Tuesday, January 28, 2014


So proud of my nephew Joe, he graduated high school and has taken off running! He went through and graduated from the fire academy, he professed his love for Christ and was baptized this weekend and now he's off to South Carolina for his army training. It's been just pure joy watching him in all he's doing, and it's such a blessing to be a part of his life and growing closer to him and my brother and sister in law and their family. We're looking forward to all that the Lord has for Joe!

14 Months

The many faces of Truman Vance. This kid is turning into quite the little ham. He's been such a serious baby the last 13 months or so but he's finally coming out and showing us that funny smile constantly. His favorite thing to do is play in or around the toilet so that's been a fun challenge but with a face like that who could be mad? He's coming up on 14 months and I think i can finally officially say he's sleeping through the night, we're talking like from 8pm to at least 6:30am kinda sleeping, it's been heavenly! He's also getting to the point where he thinks he can do anything and everything like walk across a parking lot by himself, play volley ball with middle school girls and of corse feed himself and put dishes away ha ha. He's so fun though, I love all his night time cuddles, the way he waves good bye, his "cheese" face and all his cute little quirkiness that's already developing!                              



Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

We spent new years at our friends Jason and Elisa Danen's house. It's nice to be able to go out but bring the kids with us and still have a great time. The plan was just to celebrate east coast time but we were having so much fun that we did east coast and west coast :)