Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I've been babysitting little miss Madeline for almost 5 months now, just one day a week, sometimes two, but she is just so fun. She hardly ever cries, unless I walk away from her, and she is just a super easy baby. She's almost 10 month old and already starting to walk, she cracks me up. The boys always look forward to Maddie days, Waylon has a little too much love to give, he actually just scares her, ha ha but Mason is really good with her, he likes to bring her every toy in his toy box it's pretty cute. Anyway, I just thought I'd document Maddie here in the 'ole blog...

Resurrection Sunday

Well, the boys were semi-healthy enough for Easter, we made our way to church with the boys looking pretty sharp with their ties and fancy shoes. Church was very nice, Dad taught on Luke 24:1-53, the resurrection and what glory came of that. If you haven't studied the resurrection of Christ, I strongly suggest going back and looking at that because it really defines christianity, proves the truth of the bible and shows the sovereignty of our Lord and Savior. Just awesome! Afterwards we stopped by my brother and sister-in-laws for a minute and said hello to them and then headed up to my grandparents for an easter egg hunt and lunch. As it seems to go around here, it was very cold! We ran around trying to find our eggs as fast as possible, the boys seemed to have fun, although Waylon just wanted to throw the eggs. Then we had a nice ham lunch and hung out talking and laughing, it was a really nice time. My Uncle made these really cute little bird nest desserts with peeps, and both boys for some reason wouldn't touch it but just bit the poor peeps head off, it was pretty funny to watch. The boys were getting pretty wrestles so we came home and just relaxed the rest of the evening, we're all fighting some sort of cold and Mason even had a fever again that night, so we just laid low and tried to recover :-)

Baseball Season

Last night we went out and watched my nephew Trent play baseball. It was quite cold and my sister-in-law said it was the warmest night so far! But it was really fun, they came back from 5-0 and won it by 1! The boys played at the park with papa and Amanda and Mason sat in the dirt and played with his trucks and was not too happy with us when we had to go. Hopefully it keeps getting warmer so we can get out there more, it's a good time.

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Eater sickness

So this is exact time last year Mason had a fever of 105* off and on for 5 days, that ended up being bacterial bronchitis. Monday Waylon came down with a fever of 103* that lasted two days with no other symptoms and then was gone and then Mason got the fever yesterday and today. It's been really weird, it's just a fever and nothing else, but it's really wiped them out :( Mason seems to be doing better and Way is completely fine so now just waiting to see if Ed and I will get it... We found it kind of funny how Easter last year we had to stay home with sick kiddos, hopefully we'll be all cleared up by Sunday!

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

2 Year Check Up

We took Waylon in for his 2 year check up last friday and he weighed 26 pounds and was 36 inches tall. The doctor said that you double the height they're at now and that's how tall they'll be at full grown, so we're looking at a six footer! It's hard to imagine! Every thing else checked out well, we discovered that he has a little milk allergy that was causing his face to break out, so we've got him on soy milk and some hydrocortisone cream and it's already cleared up! He was pretty funny with the doctor though, she is super friendly and outgoing but Waylon wasn't going for it, he sat in my lap and stared down at his belly the whole time, and whenever she'd ask him a question Mason was all over it, which was good because Way wasn't saying a thing. I still can't believe my little guy is 2 already, but I just praise God for each day with him and am so thankful for the happy healthy active boy he is!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Way Turns 2

My little crazy, strong-willed, funny, adorable Waylon Jay turned 2 years old yesterday. Waylon entered the world on April Fools day around 7 pm after only 6 hours of labor. He was the hairiest darkest little thing I'd ever seen, he's had us laughing since day one you could say. Everyone always says "where's the time go?" In the midst of some difficult stages it seems like they will never end, with kids there are times that they can bring out the worst in you when the catch you off gaurd with the a high pitched scream in the middle of a store or when they throw their plate of mashed potatoes off their tray or when they turn into a puddle of jello and flop on the floor and seem to way 50 pounds and you just want to walk away and pretend they're not yours. Despite all the moments you wonder why the Lord graciously blessed you with your little bundle of joy, he'll give you an infectious smile that completely melts your heart. I have to say, Waylon has been a challenge for me, but he has also brought such great joy. He still eats everything in sight, except pbj and most vegetables, and it never seems to be enough the little man is always hungry yet he's as skinny as a stick. Which leads to the fact that he never sits still. He's a little ball on energy, from first thing in the morning to wake up to him giving me cpr to wake me up followed by a "HI" when my eyes finally focus :-) He's off from there, a love for toys and outside he's always on the move. He's also turning into Mason's echo, it's quite funny. He repeats just about everything Mason says, and if you don't acknowledge his repeat of the question that was just asked, he'll ask it until you do. He's becoming quite the little character, he makes facial expression that makes us laugh until we cry, and is starting to talk up a storm. So yesterday he turned two, and as I though how fast we've gotten to two, I became very thankful for him. I can't imagine our lives with out that funny little boy.

We had a cake and ice cream social for him last night with some family and friends, we are so blessed with the people in our lives, who love us and care about us to come out and celebrate. He received so many nice things, and had so much fun! He has a new summer wardrobe which he was in need of, and a new pair of shoes, some books, a snuggie and a pillow pet. I made him a monkey cake since he's loving monkeys right now, it went well, Ed hung out with me Thursday and helped out a little while I made it, we had a really fun time with it. So, all in all the party was a success, we had a great time.

Happy Birthday Waylon boy, we look forward to many more!

Birthday Pics