Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Swimming Lessons

Hmm, well not technically swimming lessons but it was a start! Last night at mom and dad's, Ed took Mason in their hot tub and tried to show him a thing or two about swimming :-) He did pretty good with the water, Ed tried to get him to float on his back but that wasn't going so well, and he tried to show him how to hold his breath under water but every time Ed went under Mason just thought it was funny and tried to strangle Ed with his feet! It was pretty cute though, he likes it more than he did last year so that in itself is a start so maybe by the end of summer he'll be able to float or hold his breath under water!

Getting Big

My baby Waylon is 3 months old today! I can't even believe it, it's gone by so fast! He such a good little guy, he's been sleeping through the night since he was about 6 weeks, he wakes up as happy as can be with a big smile and is pretty content all day long! He's a big boy though, I can't get enough of those cheeks of his they crack me up! I went through the boys clothes and already had to put away the new born stuff, it seems like just yesterday he was drowning in everything and now he's fillin' out all his outfits! He's so funny, all it takes is a "Hi Waylon" and his entire face lights up, I love it! And he sure enjoys watching Mason, he's constantly smiling at that kid, except when Mason is shoving a pacifier down his throat or pushing the basinet over on him, or crawling into the basinet with him for that matter, but other than that it's nothing but brotherly love ;-) I'm excited to get to the new house because Waylon is goin' in the crib in a room with Mason, so that's a big step for us and I think we're more than ready for it and I think Mason is going to enjoy the company! They just grow to fast though!

Finally Happening!!!

Yay! We're moving in tomorrow! I'm so excited, it's been a long three months of remodeling and cleaning and painting but the time has arrived! So, yesterday I spent about 8 hours in the kitchen, cleaning the floor and counters, cleaning out the cabinets and lining them and polishing them. It looks amazing in there, Ed put up new can lights that match the cabinets really well they're like a dark bronze color, he also put new plugs and covers on that are black plugs and silver covers that really gave the kitchen a brand new look! We got the carpet laid down and cleaned this week and it too looks brand new, we had to patch the carpet where the fireplace was but you can't even tell it was there they did such a good job, thanks Consider It Done for doing that and Kelly Steam for the great carpet wash! Ed and his Dad put up new trim around the new front door and the hallway entrance and new baseboards in the living room and the backroom/office area and it looks really nice, the trim around the door is just fabulous and we put wood trim around the two windows in the living room so that there's that distinct difference between the kitchen and living room, it looks quite nice! I finally got the laundry all painted and cleaned, we're eventually going to replace the floor but for now I scrubbed it and it looks pretty good, we still got to get the new baseboards put up in there and clean out the sink! We painted all the doors down the hall and the little storage are doors and it really brightened up that hall and we put new lights in and it's really nice down there! We also took the lights out of the two back rooms, patched those holes and put in 4 new 4" cans instead and a fan in each of those rooms, in our room we also added 4 new 4" cans and will put a fan up in there also. Someone came in and finished the new wood floor by the front door and re did the wood floor in the office, it looks pretty much brand new and very shiny! Another person is coming today to clean the shower in our bathroom and clean the tile and I think re grout it and scrub the shower door down so that'll be nice and then in a couple weeks she's going to do the boys bathroom, most likely replacing the tiles on the floor of the shower and cleaning it up in there, it was kind of moldy! We also got a new toilet for that bathroom so we've still gotta get that in and we're putting tile down on the floor in there but that's not quite done yet, we're hoping by August before Peter and Emily come up to visit :-) All in all it has been quite the transformation, I can't believe what a HUGE difference it's made in the house, I am so happy with it and we can't wait to finally get in there! I really can't thank Eddie and Susie enough for all the help watching the kids and helping in the house and all the many many late nights and dinners! They are quite amazing parents we've been so blessed with them!
Some of the hallway
The kitchen all clean
The carpets after getting washed! That cabinet on the wall is where our dvd player and cable box will go, stuff like that and our TV will go right above it, so that's what that is!

The nice new walkway!

After (laundry room)

Trimming out the door
The new kitchen plugs
The doors before and after
My colorful laundry room
So sweet ;-)
The new lights in the kitchen
Our "sunshine" room with the pretty floors!