Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wrapping up the year...

A few weeks ago we had our annual Minden Electric Christmas party. This year we did it at Sharkey's in town and had the whole crew and their families! It's nice to see everyone, it's a great group of guys and they each have the sweetest little families! Mom came up with a cowboy theme for the party so we were suppose to bring a cowboy gift for the gift exchange, and I even tried to dress the boys in their best giddy-up outfit I could come up with! It was fun, I look forward to the next one :-)

Next we packed up and drove down to Palm Springs to spend Christmas with mom and dad and Ed's Grandpa (Huito). We left early Christmas eve, I think at about 6:30 and drove to bishop where we stopped to have breakfast and do some diaper changes :-) Then mom and dad took Mason in their car and the next stop was about 2 hours from PS (I'm horrible with names of towns) there we got ice cream, did some more diaper changes and headed back out again. We finally arrived at Huito's around 4:30pm! It was a long day of driving but it was also a lot of fun! Huito wanted to go out to dinner with us so we cleaned up and unpacked and went down to a Mexican food restraunt just up the street. It was pretty fabulous in their, Mason had the time of his life with the little Mariachi/Guitar/Singer guys... He gave Mason some Maracas that he was shaking away at and sharing with the woman sitting behind us and dancing away, he thought it was great! After dinner we walked around a little and then headed back and off to bed! Early Christmas morning Waylon woke up with croup really bad, the poor little guy was struggling to breath and each cough or sneeze just hurt so bad :-( so it was a long night with him but we got up and did the present thing, Waylon just wanted to eat the paper or have whatever Mason had, and once Mason opened a toy he did care what was in the next packages :-) The rest of the day was pretty low key, Mom made ham and eggs for breakfast and then while everyone else slept she and I went outside and read our book (we're booth reading a tree grows in brooklyn) that was a nice time spent together, I just love those times! It was different not spending Christmas in the cold snowy Nevada weather, but it was beautiful there! Then Ed, Mom and I made dinner, Prime Rib with all kinds of tasty side dishes! It was a wonderful Christmas!

Papa Mason and Grandma after Breakfast
Mason in the car
Mason and his Maracas
Dad Mason Huito Waylon and Ed
Christmas Morning

Taking Mason around in the golf cart

The next couple of days spent in PS were fun days too, we walked around downtown where there's a bunch of shops and restaurants, we ate a Ruby's that was good, Mason feel in love with the milkshake there and pretty much wanted nothing else but that :-) but we figure "why not?" we're on vacation :-) We also went to the Palm Springs Air Museum where we saw tons of old war planes! It was a really nice museum, another event that Mason just couldn't get enough of! They even had planes that you could go up inside of and little kid area with crafts and more planes and trucks you could sit in, it was really neat! We also went on a little hike on some Indian ground where there's nothing and then the oasis, it was really nice there! Also Ed and I got a night out, mom and dad watched the kids after we went to a "contemporary" church service that was interesting, but we went out and saw Up In the Air with George Clooney, it was ok, the movie theater was PACKED, I've never seen anything like it before! It seemed like wherever we went though was just supper supper crowded. After our movie we walked around a mall and got dinner at Babe's, this really good BBQ restaurant. It was a fun couple of days, and so nice to just hang out and spend time with Ed's parents, and Simon came down for a couple of days, it was great!!! Then tuesday morning we packed up, we over to a Dinosaur park (I'm drawing a blank on the name...) Mason was terrified of them so we snapped a few photos said our goodbyes and headed on to our next destination...

Walking around downtown PS
Waylon and I, getting stared at a lot... I wonder why?
Mason and his new found love
The air musuem

Our hike

Mason and Simon
The scary dino park
Mason freaking out

Then it was off to Los Angeles! The drive there from PS wasn't bad at all, and I slept most of the way so it was that much better for me :-) I think we got to Pete and Emily's around 1ish and we just hung out. Ed and Peter went to the store the Emily made dinner for us and we watched a movie and called it a night, we had a big day ahead of us. D day came, as in Disneyland! I've heard it's the happiest place on Earth, I hadn't been since I was about 8 so I don't remember much but when you add Rain, Cold, 10 billion people and 3 babies... it makes for an interesting day! Oh Disneyland, well we got there around 11 and it was already raining but the parking lot didn't seem crowded at all by the time we got in the park we learned that people aren't afraid to get wet! It was absolutely packed there, everyone that we went with (Peter, Emily, Josh and Michelle) said it was the busiest they've ever seen it! We started out by getting something to eat, which went pretty well, we got a table at least, then after feeding and changing all 3 kids we went and got in line for the Haunted Mansion, we waited in line for what seemed like eternity when you have to carry a baby and a 50lb diaper bag (which I am now stronger for LoL) but we finally got in I though for sure Mason was going to have a melt down, he didn't handle dinosaurs very well remember? But, to my surprise he did well, the first part of it in the dark room where the floor drops he just hid his face in Ed's shoulder and didn't make a peep (I was feeling like mom of the year at that point!) but when we sat on the ride, he went with ed in one chair and waylon and i in the other and he did fine, he was quiet but was looking around. They had it all decorated as Jack from nightmare before christmas, so it was neat and he ended up doing fine. Then I wanted to take him on something a little more age appropriate so he and Ed went on the classic Dumbo ride, and he LOVED it! He was so cute up their! By this time it's raining pretty good so we took shelter in the mess hall area, waylon fell asleep so the guys offered to watch the kids while Emily, Michelle and I went on space mountain! We waited in line about and hour, which was fun we got to talk to Michelle and get to know her a little better and got a little break from the kids, but when got towards the front of the line (we probably still had another 20 minutes though) they said that the ride was shut down and they wouldn't recommend waiting... So, back down, another round of feeding a diaper changes and off to the Nemo submarine ride, still raining... we waited in that line for I don't even know how long, I'm thinking almost if not, 2 hours. But it was fun, we took pictures and took turns holding kids and made the best of it, at this point though we noticed that Mason's diaper was extremely full and he was pretty much soaked in urine and rain water :-( but we were so close, so the poor boy suffered through, although I don't think he knew the difference once we got on the submarine. The babies were starting to lose it on Nemo, they were tired and cold but we thought we'd go try It's A Small World, on our way there we got Churros, probably the best part of Mason's day he thought, then when we got to the ride and noticed that they had it wrapping basically around the park, we decided that wasn't going to happen... Oh Disneyland, so we took some pictures in front of it, it was really pretty, the whole place was wonderfully decorated so that was fun, and then we stopped by a shop on our way out along with the other 10 billion people who were all there and grabbed some t-shirts and called it good! It was now 7 o'clock, we were wet, cold and very hungry so we drove to this really great BBQ place called Wood Ranch around like 9 O'clock ate and went back to Pete and Emily's and crashed! The kids were beat, we were beat, it was a long "magical" disney day, Ed tried to talk me into a season pass but I think I'm good for while, at least until we're out of diaper and bottles!

The tram ride in
The 3 babies ready to ride
In line for Haunted Masion
On Haunted Mansion
Waylon doesn't look scared at all!
Peter & Emily trying to stay dry
Hot cocoa trying to warm up
In line for Nemo

On Nemo

The world's greatest churro
In front of small world
And in front of the castle

Lastly was new years, we just stayed in at Pete and Emily's, Pete made Ribs and Potatoes and his sister and her family came over for a little bit. We were going to do a New York new years but we missed it watching the car jump in vegas lol so we ended up staying up until 12 and then some (just the 4 of us) it was a blast! Then Friday was our last night, so Mike and Shirley (peter's parents) came over and watched all the kids for us so the 4 of us could go out. It was fun, we went to Pasadena and got sushi, it was the best sushi I'd ever had, it was really tasty an awesome atmosphere. Then we went and got some Tai massages that were wonderful! And went home and we were just beat from the late nights and business of vacation and went to bed. We packed up for the last time Saturday morning and got breakfast with Pete and Emily and were home by 7pm. It was a really great vacation, we had so much fun everywhere we went and it was nice to just spend time with family and friends! Praise God for the safety He gave us as we travelled!
Waylon and Scout! Too Cute!
Mason and Scout
Well Emily, at least I picked the picture that you look better than me in :-) I can't help it that I get a little hyper when I'm tired ;-)
Peter and Ed enjoying Dick Clark
Oh Dick Clark, what would New Years be without you?
The final pose!

Mason Riding Dumbo

Mason and the maracas

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