Monday, March 15, 2010

A Little Get Away!

Last weekend Stephanie took me up to McKinleyville, CA to meet her parents of some of her family! The adventure started Friday morning, Ed took me over the Steph's house on his way to work and after I shed a few tears ;-) we busted out the country songs and of course B Spears and were on our way. The drive was so beautiful, I loved it, everything was so green and woodsy. We stopped in Susanville for some Mickey D's which I spotted 10 miles away :-) ! Then once we got in, we went straight to her Grandparents house but they weren't home so we went over to her parents where I met her adorable mom and see their precious house where steph grew up. It was back off to Grannie and Blan's after we heard they were home. How to describe Grannie and Blan??? Awesome! They were the cutest people in the world, Blan was cracking me up the enitre time we were there but not intentionally and Grannie was supper sweet, she's heard a lot about me so it was like meeting an old friend for the first time :-) I was also in for a treat, Grannie makes diapers, I'm sorry, undies for her adorable little dog, so I was enjoying taking pictures of the poor little dog in a diaper! They were each so sweet, we went back on Saturday too to visit and I'm pretty sure I'm Blans new favorite, he left me saying Cockeyed for the remainder of our stay :-) But back to friday, after that visit we went back to her parents and her dad was home so I met him and he was supper nice and they all found it quite funny how Blan and I hit it off. We ordered some really yummy Mexican food and then hung out and talked the rest of the evening! Saturday morning we heading into Arcata and met 2 of steph's cousins for breakfast at this delicious crepe place, it was soooooo good! After breakfast we did some shopping where I found a couple of tops and 2 pairs of jeans ( I was very excited about) and the got some ice cream and went over and looked at the red wood trees and to the Humboldt Universary. Everything was so pretty and breath taking, I'd never seen such huge trees before, it was amazing! Then after a quick stop at Grannies we went and picked up her parents and went out to Chinese which was also really good :-) and finished the night with some pie (are you seeing a pattern here?) :-) We went to bed around ten but steph and I ended up talking until 2 in the morning, it was really fun, we don't get many chances to hang out and talk like that just the two of us so I really enjoyed that time we had together!!! Sunday we somehow rolled out of bed early and packed up and met up with Jeremy's parents for breakfast and then headed home. The drive home was even more beautiful then the drive there, the sun was shinning and it was just gorgeous! Garth Brooks and Tom Petty got us most of the way home so that was fun :-) Then I got to come home to the 2 cutest boys in the world who looked shocked to see me, as if they didn't think I'd return! Supper Supper fun trip, I look forward to our next one wherever it may be!

All the pictures are out of order but that's ok...
Redwood trees!
A look out point on our way home
After dinner at the Chinese restaurant
The world's largest totem pole!
Her mom and dad, Jerry and Carolyn
Us ;-)
Beautiful, Beautiful Trinidad
Us on the pier
Blan, Myself and Grannie :-) and Molly
There it is, I wasn't lying :-)
Us at the crepe restaurant
World's best crepes!
Us in front of Steph's parents!


Anonymous said...

Great post!! I had so much fun and I'm so blessed we are friends!!

JerryandCarolyn said...

Loved meeting you, can't wait for the dinner in Minden soon. You and your family are always welcome at our new home.
Sorry about B.....
We warned you....