Monday, February 21, 2011

What's the point?

I read through a book called Feminine Appeal a few weeks ago and I've also been reading through Martha Peace's book The Excellent Wife and have listened to several of Pastor John MacArthur's sermons on God's High Calling for women. What an awesome role I have as not only a wife and mother but as a women in the church. The way that the Lord is working in my life at this time is so amazing and I wanted to take a minute to reflect on what he's doing.
Being a stay at home mom can be very trying at times. There's always laundry to fold, floors to sweep, hungry kids and the list goes on and on. I've been looking at my time at home in all the wrong ways, I let the chores and kids become a burden at times when I just want to read a book or do something for myself. How wrong I've been! God has so opened my eyes to what a true joy and gift it is to be a mom and wife at home. I've realized that I don't clean my house because it's dirty and what will others think, I clean to bring Him glory, I get to raise my kids because they are His children and he has blessed me with the responsibility of bringing them up to be Godly men. With the perspective that ALL that I do is for His glory and honor, how could I not go forth with an excited and willing heart to serve my heavenly Father. He's placed me in a church to be a part of a body of believers, a church that desires the word of God, where the word of God isn't watered down but boldly proclaimed and how great it is to be apart of the body of Christ.
I've also been studying about being Salt and Light to this dark and decaying world and it has been really moving. I know that it's easier for me to be subtle as salt but I struggle with being blatant as light. Often people think of Christians as quiet, kind, loving people. But if we truly love someone then the most loving thing we can do for them is to proclaim the gospel, plant the seed of faith and pray that the Lord lets it grow into salvation. I pray that I can leave the aroma of Christ when I walk away from the unbeliever, that they know what I stand for in Christ at any cost that it may come. Influence, am I an influence on this lost world? I don't mean just a positive make people feel good influence but an influence that this world depends on, a Godly, Christ bearing, gospel proclaiming influence. Is my life different from my unbelieving neighbor?
I struggle, sin, get frustrated and overwhelmed, I complain, cry and get angry, I get jealous, anxious and scared. I'm no better than anyone else, but I am set apart as God's chosen people, I have Him who strengthens me, Him to cast my burdens on, Him to guide me and lean on and turn to. I have His word to comfort me and teach me. Christ, my Lord and Savior has graciously made me different in Him and how overwhelmingly thankful I am that He has. As I've been learning, the more I know the greater the responsibility and what a privilege that is, what a privilege to be at home with my kids teaching them of the Lord, what a privilege to be a wife to my husband who also loves the Lord and what a privilege to be able to glorify God in my role as wife and mother! Just when I began to question what's the point of doing what I do everyday, the Lord opened my heart to know that I might not get a gold star at the end of everyday, but my reward is in heaven and it's far greater than anything here, how marvelous is that? With that in mind such joy can flow from changing a diaper, because even that is a gift from God! How undeserving I am, and yet He still gives abundantly to me!
I'm so thankful that He's been placing all these books and sermons and Godly leaders in my life to help me grow and strengthen my faith and encourage me in my walk, nothing excites me more than reading God's word and spending time with Him in prayer and being in fellowship with other's who love the Lord as I do. What an awesome God I serve! I know the Lord is growing me and stretching me and I'm so excited for all that He has in store for me! Praise God, He is so good!

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