Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Ed's hair grows at an incredibly rapid rate and is so thick, getting that guy a haircut has become quite the chore :-) Back in the day when we were dating he used to shave his head all time, I always liked it but for some reason I've been a little skeptical about him shaving it. It was time though, so we got some new shears and away we went...

I forgot how much I liked it :-)

Next up was Waylon. I've been debating wether I not I wanted to actually shave his head, his hair is just like his dad's though, super thick and grows like a weed! So we went for it with his hair as well and I was very pleased with how it turned out :-)

Last up was Mason. Now, I had zero intentions to shave Mason's head but after watching his dad and brother do it he was begging for us to do his, so I guess it didn't hurt but not sure that we'll give in to shaving his head again ha! Poor boy can't help that he has his momma's forehead :-)

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