Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Truman Show Begins...

It really is turning into quite the show with our little Truman Boy, yesterday morning I lost my plug and so we got the hospital bag and carseat in the car and were waiting on a call from the doc (I didn't lost the plug before hand with they other boys so I wasn't sure what to expect) after 2 hours I called again and was told to just relax and wait for the next signs of labor which might not come for weeks still. With a little disappointment we moved on with our day. I actually went into work with Ed to take mind off of things and the kids stayed home with grandma and papa for a few hours. I wasn't contracting at all which was kinda funny because I've been having all kinds of contractions this whole pregnancy! So we went by the store and then home and decided to go out to dinner with Pete and Emily while they're up visiting. At about 6 I started feeling some contractions but didn't think too much about them, we got to La Ferme (a fancy, delicious little restaurant in Genoa) around 6:30 and by 8:15 I though I better start tracking these contraction that were starting to take my breath away. They were coming about 2 and half minutes apart but we continued through dinner with the hilarious and kind basque owner who said he's delivered 3 babies before, one right there in the restaurant , and at about 9:30 with finished it up and figured we better head to the hospital. We went up to labor and delivery and got hooked up to be monitored around 10:15 and the contractions were coming close and strong! We were so excited and thinking this is it we're going to have this baby by morning! Let me back up just a bit, I was 35 weeks on Tuesday and saw my doctor on wed and she told me that he's probably over 6lbs and she wouldn't stop my labor now at this point- so with that in mind I figured we were good to go. Well they don't call your doctor until you're admitted and the on call doctor decided he wanted to try and stop the contractions since I wasn't quite 36 weeks. They gave me a shot of something that wasn't very pleasant, it made me feel like a drank a whole lot of coffee- my heart was pounding out of my chest and my hands were shaking like crazy and the worst part (to us at the time) was that it worked, it stopped my contractions completely and we were sent home on bed rest for the weekend at 12:30am. We were bummed but also trying to focus on the fact that it is best that he does stay in here as long as possible, there's just been so many alarms with this pregnancy and since I thought we were cleared to go basically I was feeling pretty overwhelmed and frustrated that its back to the waiting game. I know that The Lord has the perfect time for little Truman to enter the world and it just wasn't last night, so I trust in Him and continue to pray for a healthy baby and a quick and safe delivery. I'm dilated to a 3 and 80% thinned so I think when it does happen its going to happen fast! So that sums up our Truman Show part one! Hopefully this is only a two parter and the next one is where he comes out :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The hospital pic of Ed is great. Sad we didn't do La Ferme but next time we are all going there!