Thursday, June 27, 2013

6 Months

6 months! I can hardly believe it! Truman weights 15.13 and is 26.5". I really can't say enough about my little boy, we are just having so much fun with him. He's eating solids 2-3 times a day and his favorites seem to be zucchini and pears. He rolls both ways, gets in the crawling position and starts rocking, does like the up dog yoga pose and is starting to sit on his own with the help of a toy to keep him focused. I think he calls me "naanaa" and Ive heard and occasional "dada." He keeps a close watch on those brothers of his, they keep him entertained a lot! He's starting to get to that antsy I wanna get moving on my stage where its hard to just sit and cuddle him anymore ;( but it's pretty exciting to watch him want to interact with us all more and do what we're doing. Im having a hard time getting a nap routine down, he'll cry it out for 45 minutes or so and still not sleep... or when he does sleep it always seems to be right before noon, then at 12 the sun creeps in from the skylight and blast him in the face, because I always forget about it, and wakes him up. But he's sleeping well at night for the most part. He's in with Mason and Waylon now, and he sleeps usually from about 9-5. The boys love having him in their room, and they have been so good about being quiet. We have a video monitor in their that I can talk through too and it's been an absolute crack up to watch their faces when they start messing around in there and I say something... they go like a deer in headlights it's so funny. Or when I start moving the camera around the room to find them and they just freeze up... too much, we just die laughing! So here's some recent picture of the little guy...

And some pics from his his first taste of "real" food...
Rice Cereal


 Sweet Potatoes

And some bath time shots... He still gets his bath every night before bed and loves it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet little dude