Monday, July 8, 2013

7 Months

At seven months Truman can fully sit up all by himself for a minute or two and for long stretches with a toy. He's trying so hard to crawl but not quite there but he has his own way of moving about. He still loves zucchini and squash and pears and still nursing about 8 times a day. He's getting more and more vocal every day, mostly "yaya and dada" and he grabs everything, he's so quick! He's got two big bumps on his gums that look like they're ready to let teeth through any moment (and he's been pretty grumpy about the situation too). Mason and Waylon make him laugh more than anything else, even though Waylon tries to wrestle him every time I look away! He's still not a huge fan on his carseat but loves his swing (which he usually takes his morning nap in) and his jumper activity center! Time is just flying right on by! Love this little guy!

He's trying...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So big so fast!