Monday, July 1, 2013

Too hot for outdoors!

It's been scorchin' hot around here! So much so I don't like sending the boys out to play in it so we've been trying to find things to do! For starters I let them make their own lunches the other day (which was a good half hour production not including clean up time) They thought it was pretty great.

And today we busted out this little science kit that Mason got for his birthday. It was a lot of fun, we mixed things like baking soda and water or made this little lava lamp thing with oil and water and dye and even a "wizards" wand. They thought it was pretty exciting!

 I also taught them how to play a mean game of tic-tac-toe! Waylon of course dominated somehow, no matter how hard I tried he'd somehow win almost every game! And Mason didn't too bad either, except he'd get a little cocky and then wouldn't see it coming and lose ha ha! Fun day! Thank goodness for the AC though or it quickly would have been not so fun!

Oh ya, we also decorated the boys room a little more today too. We bought some world maps from costco at Christmas time, I think, and we were waiting until we got bunk beds to do anything in there but I was tired of seeing such bare walls so I put them up today and moved some things around, it looks good in there, real homey ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fun!! I've got to think of a few things now too, we are heating up out here! I loved the boys room, you did a good job!