Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was quite the event for us this year, I wanted to cook dinner for Susie so we decided to make it on Saturday night so it would be ready to go on Sunday. We didn't start cooking until about 9 o'clock and finished around 11pm! Then we discovered that I used a hot sauce to make the enchilladas, so I was all bummed out thinking that I ruined them, Ed thought that they would be okay but after I explained to him how badly my hands were burning we both became concerned! Then I had to finish up some last minute things I had been working on for Susie and after feeding Waylon we finally went to sleep around 2 am. When 6 am rolled around I was feeling surprisingly awake so I got up and after my shower I read my precious mother's day cards from my boys that just made my day! I couldn't believe it was already my 2nd Mother's day (3rd if you count when I was pregnant with Mason)! Anyway, then we went by Starbucks and got coffee for us and Eddie and Susie and headed off to church. After church we went to Nate and Jen's for lunch with her parents and mom and dad, so we hung out there, went home and rested for a minute then went up to my Grandparents house to celebrate my uncle's Birthday! After that we headed strait to church for bible study and then finally making it home. As always we had a great time with mom and dad, the enchilladas turned out not as horrible as we thought, they were a little hot but nothing a little sour cream couldn't fix! All in all it was a very long day but a lot of fun and of course completely worth it, I think Susie had a nice Mother's Day and I know that I certainly enjoyed it!
My Boys
Waylon and I
The Enchilladas

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your enchiladas were excellent!