Monday, November 23, 2009

A Visit With Ry

Last week we were finally able to get up to reno to see my mom, sister and adorable little nephew! It was a crazy time as always, with the three baby boys now it can be a loud evening :-) We got some pizza and just hung out. Mason ran around like a crazy man as always, getting into things he shouldn't be and torturing the dog and Waylon crawled around and kept trying to sit in Rylan's chair with him and eat his arms off! We also gave Ry food for the first time so that was pretty exciting, he did really well, I think he's ready for some veggies! It's crazy how fast they grow though, he's already almost as tall as Waylon is now and he's only 4 months old! He's a cutie though, I wish we lived closer so I could see him more!!!

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