Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Where Does The Time Go?

Well the month of February has just about passed us by now and I haven't written much since the beginning of January! It's been an interesting a busy month it seems, not many "big" events to report just the minor ones... Superbowl weekend was an interesting one, we woke up Sunday morning not to our alarm clock to get up and get ready for church but just from rising of the sun and we were confused for a minute until we discovered that we had lost power. In a slight panic because after all it's superbowl sunday we called the power company and said it would be back on by 10am. So we went over to mom and dad's house (they have generators) and showered and got the kids fed. 10 o'clock came, no power. We called and now it was too be back at noon. Noon came, no power. Called again at 12:30 and they said 2pm but right after we hung up it actually turned back on but lasted an hour, turned back on and then was finally on just in time for kick off. Jeremy and Steph came over and we made every snack imaginable and just hung out and watched the poor colts lose. Next came Valentine's day, we went out Friday night with mom and dad and simon for dinner/business and to mom and my surprise we each had a dozen beautiful roses waiting for us on the table at sunset at the Chart House :-) Then that sunday, actual valentine's day, Mason started throwing up around 6 that night, right as we sat down to eat dinner with Jeremy and Stephanie, and didn't stop until about 2am and was sick through tuesday and then wednesday night waylon started around 9pm and went until about 3am and was sick through this past sunday! It was the longest week ever. Ed and I never got really sick, just some stomach cramps and head aches, but the poor boys were wiped out! And here we are with just a few more days left in Feb and then March will be upon us, hopefully we're done being sick for awhile! And in between all this Stephanie, Brittany and I watched My Sister's Keeper, we had read the book so we got together and watched it, it was really good until they butchered the ending, but it was fun to get together and watch it. Then I had a visit from my friend Jaqueline, she brought over our Destinos video from our senior year of spanish, we had to act out an ending to a telenovela that we had been watching in class, all to say, it's hilarious! Then we went out and saw Shutter Island, excellent movie! And Steph and I are planning a trip to Humboldt, CA next weekend, just the two of us, to meet her family and see her home town, so I'm pretty excited about that, Ed and the boys can have a little... bonding time :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where does the time go??? I can't wait for our trip!