Thursday, April 15, 2010

Oh How They Grow...

I just couldn't resist putting these pictures up together, I can't believe how much they've changed in just a few months! It's so fun to get the kids together, they are growing so fast right before our eyes!

September 2009

March 2010

September 2009

March 2010

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tonka Truck Races

Mom and dad got Waylon this big Tonk Trunk for his Birthday and Mason the same one for Easter. They're so big that they could comfortably sit in the back of them, so Ed and I put them each in their truck and were pushing them across the living room. They thought it was the greatest thing ever. Afterwards they just sat in them for the longest time just hanging out.

You can see the video of them racing on youtube
don't mind the house it was raining books :-)


We got around to dying eggs on Saturday night, we were going to do them with Peter and Emily but it never happened for us :-( but I was determinded to dye eggs so after dinner and bathes saturday we got it done. Mason did pretty well, I put the egg in and he'd just look at it, I kept telling him "don't touch" but something came over him and he decided to shake the open cup and spill green dye all over him, but hey, what are ya gonna do? I didn't even try to have Waylon participate, he was off playing and that was ok.

Sunday mornig we got up early so the boys could open their baskets before church. Mason was pretty excited, he kept saying "Birthday Birthday" because he now associates presents or sweets with a Birthday. We got the boys matching outfits which is rare so I was excited, and I have to say, they were adorable ;-) After church we went over to mom and dads for a brunch and an Easter Egg hunt. It was freezing of course but the kids got out there and found some eggs and had lots of fun doing so. Afterwards we went home and all napped, it was a very long eventful week and weekend!

Me and my boys

Ed and the boys

Our little family :-)

Papa and Grandma with the grandkids
Josef, Waylon, Amanda, Mason and Trent (not pictured: Alyssa, Ethan, Evelyn and Owen)

Hunting for eggs

Way was happy to have one!

Waylon Turns One!

Thursday morning after Peter and Emily left, we took the kids up to Reno and did some shopping for Waylon's party and even went to Toy's R Us to pick out a gift for him. Even though his party wasn't until the following night I still wanted to do some sort of Birthday celebration so we got him a little duck cup cake from Whole Foods and had our own little party! Mason was the most excited about everything, Waylon wasn't too sure. I thought he would just devour the cake because he eats anything and everything but to my surprise he was disgusted by it! It was pretty funny! Mason on the other hand was eating it as fast as he could.
Friday was the big party day, I had a lot of cleaning and decorating and still two busy little boys to occupy so my grandma came down and helped me get everything we together. We finished the cake made the Mac-N-Cheese, blew up balloons and got the boys ready to go. We had a wonderful turn out and I had a lot of help. My uncle brought another mac and cheese and mom brought sausage and chicken and we also made a fun punch drink with an ice ring. Everything turned out wonderful! Waylon got all kinds of nice gifts, from clothes to toys to books. We were concerned on how it would go telling Mason that they were Waylon's presents, it went well though, Thursday we had some issues when he opend the things from Peter and Emily but he did shed a tear on Friday, and Steph and Kathy were so sweet and brought Mason something too! Waylon had the same cake reaction this time as the night before but he had a lot of fun just playing in it. After everyone left Jeremy, Steph, Brittany and Simon hung around and helped us clean up, so that was a huge help, by the time we went to bed my house looked as if nothing had happend :-) Waylon had a terrific party and I can't think everyone enough who pitched in to help us out!!!


The Birthday Cake

Opening presents

"Happy Birthday" song

Papa and Grandma

Ed and I with the messy boy!

Watch waylon eat his birthday cake here:!v=7FwQxXNwSug

Petar, Emy & Doubt

We had a nice visit from the Tagliere's a few weeks ago and it's always so nice to spend time with them! We spent most of our time feeding babies and getting them down for naps but in the in between times when we got out...
One day my sister-in-law let us borrow their sunshine and rainbows van so that we wouldn't have to take two cars to reno. What an adventure that was, :-) No, it was really fun. We put Mason in the way back and then the 2 babies in the middle and then Emily and I took the next seat up and Pete drove while Ed navigated! We went up to Sparks to the Legends Shopping center and hung out around there for a while and then just headed back to carson and got dinner at Q's BBQ restaurant. Then Sunday we pilled in the van again and went to church and then after church we went over to mom and dad's for lunch and then just hung out, played wii and Emily taught me how to crochet We had a nice visit from the Tagliere's a few weeks ago and it's always so nice to spend time with them! We spent most of our time feeding babies and getting them down for naps but in the in between times when we got out...
One day my sister-in-law let us borrow their sunshine and rainbows van so that we wouldn't have to take two cars to reno. What an adventure that was, :-) No, it was really fun. We put Mason in the way back and then the 2 babies in the middle and then Emily and I took the next seat up and Pete drove while Ed navigated! We went up to Sparks to the Legends Shopping center and hung out around there for a while and then just headed back to carson and got dinner at Q's BBQ restaraunt. Then sunday we pilled in the van again and went to church and then after church we went over to mom and dad's for lunch and then just hung out, played wii and Emily taught me how to croche! Monday Emily and I want up to the top of the hill and went shopping some more for Easter stuff and little things, it was nice for just the two of us to get out and spend some time together! Tuesday mom took the kids while the 4 of us went out to dinner at the lake. It was snowing like crazy that day so the drive up was very interesting, and we even busted out the Christmas music for Emily because she's never really had the snowing/christmas time. We had dinner at this really great place called Cafe Fiole, we'd never been there but it was supper tasty and a new fav! Wednesday Ed and Peter went snowboarding so Emily and I were home with the children and started conquering Waylon's Birthday cake. Pete made dinner that night, some ribs and coleslaw and artichokes, all very delicious! Thursday morning was here before we knew it. It was Waylon's Birthday so he opened the presents from them and then we all went out to breakfast and said our good byes. The time spent with them always goes by way to fast, but luckily we'll see them in just a few weeks! It's amazing what adding just one more baby to the mix adds to the day, we were always asking where one of them was, Waylon got dropped off the couch (ha ha ha) Scout learned how to throw Almeida boy fits and Mason grew a lot closer to the three of them this time around. Mason's been so cute though, even tonight, two weeks or so since they've been here, I sat down to start blogging and he says "Petar? Home?"
me "yepp Peter's at home"
mason "Doubt? Nigh Nigh?"
me "yeah she's probably sleepin'"
mason "Emy? Home?
Just out of no where he wanted to know where the three of them were, it's pretty cute!

Scout and Way in the Sunshine van

Each loading up a kid

Making Way's cake

The rice krispy treat handle bar