Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Waylon Turns One!

Thursday morning after Peter and Emily left, we took the kids up to Reno and did some shopping for Waylon's party and even went to Toy's R Us to pick out a gift for him. Even though his party wasn't until the following night I still wanted to do some sort of Birthday celebration so we got him a little duck cup cake from Whole Foods and had our own little party! Mason was the most excited about everything, Waylon wasn't too sure. I thought he would just devour the cake because he eats anything and everything but to my surprise he was disgusted by it! It was pretty funny! Mason on the other hand was eating it as fast as he could.
Friday was the big party day, I had a lot of cleaning and decorating and still two busy little boys to occupy so my grandma came down and helped me get everything we together. We finished the cake made the Mac-N-Cheese, blew up balloons and got the boys ready to go. We had a wonderful turn out and I had a lot of help. My uncle brought another mac and cheese and mom brought sausage and chicken and we also made a fun punch drink with an ice ring. Everything turned out wonderful! Waylon got all kinds of nice gifts, from clothes to toys to books. We were concerned on how it would go telling Mason that they were Waylon's presents, it went well though, Thursday we had some issues when he opend the things from Peter and Emily but he did shed a tear on Friday, and Steph and Kathy were so sweet and brought Mason something too! Waylon had the same cake reaction this time as the night before but he had a lot of fun just playing in it. After everyone left Jeremy, Steph, Brittany and Simon hung around and helped us clean up, so that was a huge help, by the time we went to bed my house looked as if nothing had happend :-) Waylon had a terrific party and I can't think everyone enough who pitched in to help us out!!!


The Birthday Cake

Opening presents

"Happy Birthday" song

Papa and Grandma

Ed and I with the messy boy!

Watch waylon eat his birthday cake here:


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