Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Camping at Blue Lake

So the last time I went camping was with Ed right before we got married and then before that it had been years back with my grandparents. Well we decided it was time to go again. Mom and dad headed up Thursday morning and got a spot and then Friday we went up along with Melaney and Simon. Sooo much fun! It was a little hard with the boys, but they did pretty well. The first night mom made burritos, not your typical camping food but very good, and we roasted marshmallows by the fire. We put the boys down, waylon in one bed with Mel and Mason in another with us. They were pretty tiered by the end of the day so they went down pretty quick, then mom and dad went in to play cards while the four of us stayed out by the fire and talked. A little before we heard people talking about seeing a bear but we didn't think much of it. So we're talking, laughing have a great time and all of the sudden Simon says "oh wow a bear" I thought he was kidding, we turned our flash lights on and it was RIGHT BEHIND US, I'm talking like 3 feet from where we were sitting, so simon starts making these crazy noises and chasing the bear away! I immediately covered my eyes like some sort of small child and then realized that's not going to do anything for me, so then I just run for the trailer leaving part of my family and dear friend behind. Ha ha! Oh bear, so I was pretty freaked out. Everyone made it alive and came in and we played some 21 with mom and dad and went to bed. Well, the bear seriously ruined my sleep for the night, every five seconds I could have sworn the bear was going to come in and eat me right out of the trailer, at one point Mel got up to use the bathroom and I panicked, woke up Ed asking him "what's that?????" So I didn't sleep much that night :-) The sun finally came up after what seemed like a never ending night and we rolled out of bed at about 6:30. It was pretty cold but kind of nice after all the heat we've here at home. We had breakfast, mom made some ham and eggs and hash browns even and then they packed up their things and headed back home. We didn't know what to do with ourselves with nothing that had to be done, so we took naps and then went for a really awesome quad/gator ride. That was quite the adventure and the boys loved it! After we got back Ed and Simon wanted to go fishing, it was hailing and windy but stopped for a minute so they went down and thought they'd be back in an hour or two, they showed up 20 minutes later due to massive hail and freezingness! Mel and I whipped up some hamburgers and zucchini of course and we just hung out, had way too many 'smore and marshmallows and played cards. I had the funniest experience of my entire life that night thanks to Simon and slept like a baby :-) We packed up Sunday morning and got home around noon, after unpacking (camping is a lot of work) I had a long shower calling my name, it's amazing how wonderful a shower feels after a few days without one! It was a great time, I don't know how soon I'd do it again but it was fun and someday I'd like to do it again, maybe when the boys aren't in diapers...

It doesn't look that bad, but it wasn't pretty

Here's Simon conquering this drop off and not destroying the gator :-) We were all very nervous. Before he even tried he went up and down it twice in his quad and then they moved a few rocks around to try and make it not so bad and then he told Ed to stand there and catch the gator if it tips, not really sure the logic there but it worked out and was quite intense...

Summer Fun

I can't believe that the end of August is already here, where did summer go? We only made it to the lake a handful of times, but they were always fun times :-) I also got Ed to go bowling with me and some friends. We've also had a few nights of volley ball with people from church and some crazy sleepovers with my friend Melaney, so here are a few pics of our summer...
Simon's bowling moves
Melaney and I at Baldwin Beach
Nap time at Sandharbor
This would be a sleepover and very late at night :-)

Yard sale!

A few weekends ago we decided to do a yard sale. Wow, how much work they are! Between us, simon, mom and dad, and the smithens we had a TON of stuff. We started setting up thursday night then friday my friend Melaney came over and helped me make signs and finish getting it ready. We also had the bright idea of baking cupcakes, we baked a few boxes up of cupcakes but ended up just giving one away and eating a good portion of them ourselves :-) It was quite late on Friday night, we just through together the most random bbq ever, at one point there was pizza on the grill along with moose burgers, squash and steak- It worked! Then we got up nice and early saturday morning and let the yard selling begin. We got rid a lot of stuff, there were a few interesting people that came by, one guy came back and fourth 4 different times and I think spent most of the day talking to us. Then another family who didn't speak any english came and bought pretty much everything ed and I had to sell, baby stuff and video games, they said they were taking it all down to Mexico to give out down there. It was fun to do, a long day but a good time and the best part is we got rid of a lot of what was of no use to us :-)

Ry Turns 1

My adorable little nephew, Rylan, turned one back in July. I just love that little boy, I don't see him enough, but I made it up with the kids to his party and it was so fun. I just love any time when we can get the boys together, they always have a good time. They played in the pool, all 3 naked as could be and loving life. Then Mason helped Ry open all of his presents and all the ones that he liked he stashed in a pile behind grandma. Then cake time, and like all little one year olds he dug in with both hands was a happy little man! Happy Birthday Ry auntie loves you!

Garden, Flowers and Fences

My mom and I planted our garden back in may and we have some serious vegetables! It's so exciting to see and to go out and pick them and cook them up. The zucchini has really taken over, we've had zucchini almost every night, I've done just about everything that I can think of with it, except for stuffing it, that'll be later this week! Also I put some pictures of my flowers up, they are so pretty, I only have a couple of beds but I enjoy them very much. And I've been meaning to put pics up of our new fence that Ed put up to close off an area for the kids to play in, it turned out really nice.
Yummy Zucchini
Lettuce from the garden
The new fence that Ed built to close off the area between our house and garage
Back of the garden, fruits and beans
My pretty bougainvillea tree
Flowers :-)
Mason in our corn field :-)