Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Yard sale!

A few weekends ago we decided to do a yard sale. Wow, how much work they are! Between us, simon, mom and dad, and the smithens we had a TON of stuff. We started setting up thursday night then friday my friend Melaney came over and helped me make signs and finish getting it ready. We also had the bright idea of baking cupcakes, we baked a few boxes up of cupcakes but ended up just giving one away and eating a good portion of them ourselves :-) It was quite late on Friday night, we just through together the most random bbq ever, at one point there was pizza on the grill along with moose burgers, squash and steak- It worked! Then we got up nice and early saturday morning and let the yard selling begin. We got rid a lot of stuff, there were a few interesting people that came by, one guy came back and fourth 4 different times and I think spent most of the day talking to us. Then another family who didn't speak any english came and bought pretty much everything ed and I had to sell, baby stuff and video games, they said they were taking it all down to Mexico to give out down there. It was fun to do, a long day but a good time and the best part is we got rid of a lot of what was of no use to us :-)

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