Monday, March 28, 2011

Bounce house, sledding, museum, Oh My!

So, we just had a super fun visit from Peter and Emily and little Scout. We got them for almost a whole week, and we packed it full of all kinds of exciting things! We finally got our upstair loft area all organized so the kids got to play with rice, and play dough and some other little activities up there. It's so cute to see the three of them interact, mainly it's Waylon annoying Scout and Mason trying to defend her, they cracked me up!

We took the kids to this place called Urban Jungle here in town, and they had such a blast. It was very clean, bright, and had so many things for them to do. There was a giant ball pit, a big bounce house and all kinds of toys and craft stuff.

I was super excited about our bounce house find so I thought, why not go to the children's museum? Well, to my disappointment, it wasn't too great. It's just very old and run down, but the kids seemed to have a pretty good time. They got to run around a little and play in the little activity areas and jump on the giant piano. We followed it up with some In-N-Out, and then the boys, minus Waylon, went to HD and Em and I ran into Fresh Ideas to look around, it's such a cute store, I've been wanting to take her in there, but it was a little difficult with the two little ones, it's a tiny store and we had some restless babies so we just ran through there and then headed home for nap time!

Also on our agenda was sledding! It was so much fun! It was a perfect scenario, it was snowing, the kids were happy, a nice hill to go down and not too many people! The kids just kept going down and up, at first we were each taking a little on up with us but then we started sending them down by themselves and they couldn't get enough! So great, I love sledding! Then we went into incline and got dinner at T's, it's a burrito/rotisserie chicken place, it was delish! Really fun day!

We also got to spend some time with just the 4 of us. Mom and dad took the 3 little ones for us and we went up to the Lake and saw a movie (I'm totally drawing a blank on the title...) but it was really funny, and then we went and had dinner at a little pizza/bbqish place, it was really good, so that was a nice evening, it's nice to get a little break from the children. When we got home and went to get them, they were having all kinds of fun at grandma and papa's, it was pretty cute!

It was such a great visit! We spent the nights playing hearts till way too late, ate our way through about 10 boxes of girl scout cookies and just enjoyed being together after way too long ( yes it's only been a month or two...a long time). We always try to talk one another into moving closer to the other, and as much as I would LOVE that, I almost like it more this way because if we lived closer we'd lose the sleep overs and good nights to the kids. It's hard to be so far apart, I tend to go into the fetal position after they leave with sadness, but it's making me appreciate my amazing friend that much more. The kids are growing so quickly, it's such a privilege to see them grow, and I am so excited they're adding another little one to our crazy group, it's just so fun! Now I have June to look forward too, we're going to attempt camping :-)