Thursday, June 2, 2011

Surprises All Around!!!

Well, we got the cutest little invitation for a fairy party for little Miss Scout and knowing that it was coming up we were sad that we weren't going to be able to make it. But after looking at the invitation I told Ed that we should just shoot down for the weekend and surprise them all by coming! He was on board but only if I dressed up the kids :-) With their costume and mine in place we headed off to LA! We went down friday and stayed in a hotel because we didn't want anyone to know we were down there. It was a fun night, we swam in the pool which Waylon just loved, he's already a little fish! Then we walked over to Bucca Di Beppo and had a yummy dinner and then went back and got our beauty rest for the big party!!! I could hardly sleep I was so excited, haha, so we got up pretty early and off we went. What a surprise we were!!! We walked up to the door and Em's mom opened it up and just sort of looked at us, trying to piece it together and the Peter saw us and was also just sort of in shock! Luckily Emily and Scout were in the back, it worked out well, Pete grabbed his camera and was able to capture the moment...

It was quite the party, there was an adorable Fairy there, painting faces and did a puppet show! And there was lots and lots of kids! It was so much fun, I am so glad we went!!!

So the good-bye as usual was me trying to hold it together but not being able to and usually Em has a tear or two also but she seemed a bit chipper this time, little did I know I was going to see her in less than a week...

Apparently before I had told Ed we should go down to Scout's party, he and Pete and Emily planned to surprise me by Emily coming up when the boys went down to go camping. He was quite the double agent here! Pete had planned to find a camping spot around Bishop on Thursday, the day before everyone else got there, so Thursday afternoon/nightish I'm doing dishes and I hear "Happy Birthday to you..." I turn around and to my HUGE surprise it's Emily and Scout! I was shocked! I couldn't believe they were here!!! She wanted to come up for my Birthday, and I couldn't think of a better gift! So I had her Thursday night, then friday we were pretty busy, I had Maddie and we took all 4 kids out to lunch (thankfully mom and dad went too) and we had Joe's 16th birthday that night so we were going going! Then Saturday mom took the kids for us and we went out to lunch at Baja Fresh and then went and saw Bridesmaid! It was soooo fun! The guys weren't due home until sunday afternoon but we got home from the lake and they were home 5 minutes later. It turned out to be a good thing because we were baking up a storm so the extra hands were helpful! Sunday we went to church and then there was a picnic at our house and then Em baked me a Birthday cake that was delish, and Peter made us macadamia crusted halibut that was so so good and before I knew it it was Monday, and they were gone. It went by so fast like always but I was soooo thrilled to have my friend for as long as I did!!!
This is what Waylon causes Scout to do-Fedal position on the floor! LOL

They look so innocent :-)
The three munchkins at Joe's party!

I love this little girl more than words can say!!!

"I swingin'"
Scout and I trying out the new tent

Mason helping Pete with the halibut

Em whippin' up my homemade cake :-)

So lucky to have a friend like her <3

As sad as it was to say good-bye twice in one week lol I had to pull it together because my sweet sweet mom-in-law was having all kinds of people over for dinner for my Birthday! She and my Dad are just so good to me, she made a yummy dinner of chicken and sausage and made me pineapple upside down cake that was so good, and I don't even know how many people were there, 30 ish I'm thinking! It was almost overwhelming and humbling to see everyone come out just for me, I am such a blessed girl, surrounded by so many lovely people! Sadly there were no pictures because if I'm not taking them they're not being taken, but it was a birthday I'll never forget! Thank you so much everyone for all that you do for me!!! What an awesome God I serve!!!

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