Saturday, July 2, 2011

Lots of Little Things

Boy oh boy, was June a busy month or what?!? I almost don't know where to begin. We didn't do anything extravagant just a lot of little fun summery things that have kept me too busy to blog haha! Let's see if I can give you a little recap of where I've been the past month...

Fishing! We've been wanting to take the boys fishing for awhile now and we finally made it happen. Carson Valley Day's weekend we decided that we'd boy cot the parade, carnival and crowds and see if we could catch some fish. We, along with Jeremy, Steph and Trent headed out to some lakes about 45 minutes away but once we got up into the mountains we realized that everything was still frozen over, so we headed back down the mountain and stopped off in Hope Valley a long the river. It was beautiful out there but no luck with the fish. After a few hours there we were hungry so we went out to markleeville and had lunch at a little burger joint there and the went out to another lake close by and met up with Nate and Jen and Amanda. Another hour or two there and still no fish. The wind was getting to be a little much and mine and Steph's patience were running out ha! Our biggest catch of the day was a tree branch, but fun was had by all, hopefully next time we'll have better luck!
Jeremy and Mason
The trophy branch :-)

Steph and I
Ed, Trent and Mason

The next big excitement was the library puppet show! Now, I know to most, going to the library is no big deal, unfortunately for me I've hesitated really doing much with the boys on my own outside of my home, I think the thought of it just overwhelms me, so it's really taken a lot of prayer and help and persuasion of Stephanie to get me and the boys out :-) So a few weeks ago we had a library and park lunch date that went well! It was so nice to have the extra help out in the world, ha ha, Waylon got a little restless at the library and Steph had to go sit in the car with him while Mason and I finished up. With that said, I signed Mason up for a summer reading program that they have and part of that is little shows/activities they do throughout the summer. The first one was a Puppet show! I wasn't sure what to expect but I grabbed my niece and we went down to the farmers market and got some ice cream and then checked out the little book fair they had and then watched the puppet show. I was impressed by the turn out, there was a lot of kids there! The puppet show was really cute too, the boys really enjoyed it!

Next up was the purchase of the slip-n-slide! It went from the dead of winter to the dead of summer in the matter of a day or two! I thought about getting another pool for the boys but Stephanie dropped the idea of a slip-n-slide and that sounded like fun! I got my other partner in crime, my niece Amanda, and we went and got one down at Big 5. It was a lot of fun, it was a two laner, so we could "race" down! The boys weren't to into it at first but they came around. We ended up popping the first one so a few days later I returned it and got a smaller Cars one that the boys seem to love!

Alright, we're getting there, hang with me! Rodeo and date night is up next. This year Ed's parents wanted to take the boys to the Rodeo in Reno. We weren't really feeling up for all that the rodeo entails so they took the boys up there and we went on a sushi date! We had such a good time, the restraunt was pretty much empty so that's always fun, we joke around with the chefs and take our time, it was nice. Then afterwards we figured to had some time yet to kill so we went miniature golfing! That too was a lot of fun, I totally dominated on the course but then afterwards Ed killed me in air hockey and redeemed himself! It sounded like the boys and papa and grandma had a good time also at the rodeo!

In between all this, I've started going to water aerobics with Stephanie. It's really fun, we weren't sure what to expect the first time we went, but we had a good time and got a nice little workout (I'm down playing it, it kind of kicks my butt ha ha). The first time we went we were the youngest by probably 20 years, and those ladies were pretty impressive! The second time I went there was a few teenagers there taking it too. It's pretty intense, ha! I enjoy going though! I also took the boys to the swim center for the first time. My friend Lauren talked me into going, she wanted to take little Maddie (the baby I watch) so we did it. It was packed, but the boys seemed to like it. Waylon went under, by falling, a few times and never cried in fact he recovered well each time I couldn't believe it. We lasted there about an hour and a half and then had a McDonalds lunch and ice cream cone date. Fun times! And I can't forget the cornhole! Yes, I said cornhole! It's a beanbag toss/horseshoe type game, Lauren't parents have it and Ed loved it so we got our own cornhole and it's been a lot of fun! Ed's dad is pretty pretty good, so whoever gets to be on his team always win, but Ed and I played Nate and Jen the other night and I have to say we kind of dominated :-) It was their first time so we'll give them that lol.
Mickey D's

Ice cream cone!

Last but not least, tonight we attended a quincinera (sp?). There's a mexican restaurant right down the street from the office that we visit often and have gotten to know the owners of the years. Their daughter turned 15 and they invited us to this party. I've never been to a quincinera so I wasn't sure what to expect. It was beautifully decorated, I felt like I was at a wedding reception, but the music was so loud we were litterally yelling as loud as we could to be heard! I saw a few of the ladies I worked with at McDonalds, back in the old days, so it was nice catching up with them, and saw a girl I used to dance with and it was nice to see her too. We had a good time and now I can cross of quincinera off my bucket list ha ha!
Waylon wasn't really feeling the quincinera lol

Summer finally came and I can't believe that Monday is 4th of July! It's going so fast so we're trying to do as much as we can before the snow comes and buries us in for another 9 months! Hopefully I can do a little better job at keeping up with the post, for those of you still with me, thanks, you're a trooper!!! Happy Summer!!!

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