Wednesday, March 20, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

I don't know why but I really enjoy this holiday :) I got the boys their first set of matching shirts and was just dying taking their pictures because they were too adorable. Mason had a bike parade at school, so we decorated his bike in green and got to go down and watch him ride around the block with his school! Love it!

Three months

13lbs! Truman is definitely my biggest boy and I just love it! He's really starting to interact more and getting the cutest little laugh! We are finally getting some more sleep, he's going about 5 hours the first stretch and then 2-3 after that. He gets his bath every night before bed and loves it! It's so fun having three boys, the older they each get the more fun its getting, I love seeming them all together it's so sweet.

Two months

Truman started smiling and being awake more at this stage. His little smile just melts my heart! The jaundice went down a lot, in fact it seems completely gone so that's been nice. We spent most of the nights during his second month on the couch, he slept better and I slept better with him in my arms on the couch and of course Ed was able to sleep better too haha! The boys are still loving him, mason is a pretty big help, he gets diapers and burp clothes and even hold him for me while I do things around the house. It's crazy to see your oldest holding your baby when it seems like just yesterday mason was just a baby himself ;(

One month

Truman was pretty jaundiced and has had some issues with spitting up and choking, so that first month with him was pretty stressful. But he is a super good baby, he only cries when he's hungry and loves being rocked and cuddled, my favorites :)

Christmas time and then some...

I was so thankful to have Truman here before Christmas, it was the ultimate gift! Not only did I get the but I also got to have one of my best friends home for Christmas too!!! Steph and Addie came in about a week before and helped me out so much! She cooked and cleaned and organized my house for me, it was so nice! I hadn't seen her since they moved in May so I was loving just visiting and doing normal hang out stuff as if she never left. Mason also had a little christmas musical at his preschool that just made me cry ;) he looked so grown up with his class! And Addison had her first birthday party here, she was absolutely adorable in her little tutu and her first bite of sugary goodness! I was so glad I was able to be there for that special 1st party! Christmas morning we got up and did gifts with the boys just the five of us and then Jeremy and steph came over and mom and dad and Simon for dinner, we went with a Mexican theme this year and it was a lot of fun! The two weeks I had Steph here just flew by and saying good bye was torture, but we got to take them to the airport and see them off, and I just look forward to the next time we get to be together again, hopefully sometime this summer because I miss my friend so much!

First few days

It's always an adjustment bringing home a baby, bringing home the third one seemed like a breeze :) we had a ton of help from mom and dad, they basically kept the boys for the first 3 or 4 days so that was a huge help! Truman pretty much just nursed for 3 days straight, it was quite exhausting but got easier every day. Mason and Waylon just loved him to death, the wanted to hold him and help out as much as possible it was so sweet! I'm just overwhelmed by these 3 blessing of mine!

Truman Vance

Well I've been waiting to post this until I got the pics off our old camera but it's not happening and little Truman is already 3 months old so I'm going to post with the pictures I have from my phone.
Truman came into the world on December 7, 2012 at 12:35 in the afternoon weighting 6.3oz and 19" long. He was my longest labored and most painful baby but I would do it again for this little guy. My water broke on Thursday night around 11pm and I labored all night long! By about 9am I was in so much pain and wasn't making much progress, stuck at a 6/7 so I gave in and had an epidural! It was a piece of cake from there HA! I laid there for 3 hours pushed 3 times (all while laughing and joking) and out came my precious little boy! I love you so much Truman, you have totally completed our family!