Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Christmas time and then some...

I was so thankful to have Truman here before Christmas, it was the ultimate gift! Not only did I get the but I also got to have one of my best friends home for Christmas too!!! Steph and Addie came in about a week before and helped me out so much! She cooked and cleaned and organized my house for me, it was so nice! I hadn't seen her since they moved in May so I was loving just visiting and doing normal hang out stuff as if she never left. Mason also had a little christmas musical at his preschool that just made me cry ;) he looked so grown up with his class! And Addison had her first birthday party here, she was absolutely adorable in her little tutu and her first bite of sugary goodness! I was so glad I was able to be there for that special 1st party! Christmas morning we got up and did gifts with the boys just the five of us and then Jeremy and steph came over and mom and dad and Simon for dinner, we went with a Mexican theme this year and it was a lot of fun! The two weeks I had Steph here just flew by and saying good bye was torture, but we got to take them to the airport and see them off, and I just look forward to the next time we get to be together again, hopefully sometime this summer because I miss my friend so much!

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