Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Truman Vance

Well I've been waiting to post this until I got the pics off our old camera but it's not happening and little Truman is already 3 months old so I'm going to post with the pictures I have from my phone.
Truman came into the world on December 7, 2012 at 12:35 in the afternoon weighting 6.3oz and 19" long. He was my longest labored and most painful baby but I would do it again for this little guy. My water broke on Thursday night around 11pm and I labored all night long! By about 9am I was in so much pain and wasn't making much progress, stuck at a 6/7 so I gave in and had an epidural! It was a piece of cake from there HA! I laid there for 3 hours pushed 3 times (all while laughing and joking) and out came my precious little boy! I love you so much Truman, you have totally completed our family!

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