Monday, September 16, 2013


Well I may or may not be losing my mind... I just assumed I blogged about Mason starting school but looking through here tonight I realized that I only put the pictures on Facebook and they never made it here!

On that note... Mason started Kindergarten! I really can't believe that I have a child old enough to be in school but it's really happening! It's been an exciting and nervous time, the Lord has really been working in me to overcome the fear and putting my little guy in public school, all day long, and it's really becoming quite the joy. He is learning so much and having a really great time. His teacher, Mrs. Koster, is super sweet, she really seems to love what she does.

The first day we all got up bright and early and got camera ready for the big day! And the 5 of us went down to Minden Elementary School together and said our good byes. Mason did great, he wasn't too sad but wasn't too anxious to get rid of us either... it was a good balance. I held it together until he walked in to his class and then I bawled my eyes just like I did the night before just thinking about it. But I've managed to hold it together since then.

When we went to pick him up after school the aide handed me a note and my first thought was "great, already a not home!" but it was just a little note saying that Mason turned into a door handle and bumped his head. It wasn't bad at all she just wanted to make sure that I knew, and I really appreciate that! Other than that his first day went great, he had a lot of fun in his new atmosphere. His favorite thing seems to be when their reading buddies come to visit. Every thursday a 4th grade class comes in and partners up with them and reads together, he just loves his buddy, we don't know her name yet but whoever she is he's a fan!

So there's kindergarten in a nut shell so far!
Orientation pics the fri before school started

I made him wear a bib so he didn't spill of his new outfit

pics with grandma

In his new classroom 

Mason with Mrs. Koster

Saying our good byes ;(

9 Months

I had to go back and look to see if I did a 9 month post already because I feel like I just did one but it was just the 8 month one... time slow down please.

9 months! The other day at church one of the ladies asked "what can he do now?!" I kind of laughed and had to think about it...

He can say "Mama" which is just my favorite thing in the whole wide world. He says it and knows exactly what it means, my heart melts every time! He's also starting to push his walker toy around and walks along the couch and can stand for a good length of time on his own. We're finally getting a little closer to sleeping though the night every night, he's been having more and more full nights than interrupted nights so that's nice. He's definitely a mama's boy, again I can't complain, and he's a pretty good little eater! He has 2 bottom teeth now that are just adorable, I love that little toothy smile! A few weeks ago he somehow got a mild staph infection in his ear, so that was really strange, but he wasn't super sick or anything just a mild fever and still has a little runny nose but he fought it off on his own and seems to be back to his happy self!


I've done a terrible job in the picture department with the real camera, so these are from my phone and I'll have to do a little 9 month photo shoot and get them on here!


Mason had his first flag football scrimmages this weekend and my what a blast we had watching him! The played three twenty minutes games just to get the concept of what's happening. He captured one flag and was so excited! I fumbled his handoff but nonetheless had a wonderful time. Can't wait until this weekend for our first real game!
I think the huddle is Mason's favorite part, so sweet!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Waylon's First Day!

I really failed poor Waylon in the picture department for his first day of preschool. After all the excitement of dropping Mason off for his first day we didn't get Waylon over to Trinity until 20 minutes after his class started (thankfully it was only snack time). But we didn't get a chance to take any picture, I know I'm terrible... So we had a little redo on his second day, we took him first to school so Mason could be there for him and we made sure to make it just as exciting and important as the first day! Waylon is in Ms. Mary's Bee class and he seems to be really enjoying it. He's pretty quiet she says but sounds like every day he's starting to come out of his shell more and more so we're excited for him!

showing mason around

leading the way

waylon and ms mary

"and thats where we do pe running"

second day good byes

Flag Football

Mason has been wanting to play a sport, he's pretty indecisive though, one day it's soccer the next baseball... so we thought we'd try flag football because why not? He was pretty excited too, he hadn't thought about that one! He likes to close his eyes and bat at the ball when it comes his way and he doesn't stay on his feet very long when trying to capture someones flag but he's pretty fast so he's got that going for him. We've only had 3 practices since the lovely smoke has moved in but it's so fun watching him, I love it! There's suppose to be scrimmage games on saturday but we'll see how the smoke goes for us...
just a little pre game photo shoot...

my little midget out there

running backwards drill

water break

such a little guy!

they all kept patting him like that, i don't think they could believe how small he was ;)

this was not a catch :) looking good though!

papa and T

got the flag but after he already threw the ball

he's doing his "watching you" two finger motion, I about died!

LOVE this pic of mason and dustin