Monday, September 16, 2013

9 Months

I had to go back and look to see if I did a 9 month post already because I feel like I just did one but it was just the 8 month one... time slow down please.

9 months! The other day at church one of the ladies asked "what can he do now?!" I kind of laughed and had to think about it...

He can say "Mama" which is just my favorite thing in the whole wide world. He says it and knows exactly what it means, my heart melts every time! He's also starting to push his walker toy around and walks along the couch and can stand for a good length of time on his own. We're finally getting a little closer to sleeping though the night every night, he's been having more and more full nights than interrupted nights so that's nice. He's definitely a mama's boy, again I can't complain, and he's a pretty good little eater! He has 2 bottom teeth now that are just adorable, I love that little toothy smile! A few weeks ago he somehow got a mild staph infection in his ear, so that was really strange, but he wasn't super sick or anything just a mild fever and still has a little runny nose but he fought it off on his own and seems to be back to his happy self!


I've done a terrible job in the picture department with the real camera, so these are from my phone and I'll have to do a little 9 month photo shoot and get them on here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love him! Such a cutie