Thursday, September 5, 2013

Flag Football

Mason has been wanting to play a sport, he's pretty indecisive though, one day it's soccer the next baseball... so we thought we'd try flag football because why not? He was pretty excited too, he hadn't thought about that one! He likes to close his eyes and bat at the ball when it comes his way and he doesn't stay on his feet very long when trying to capture someones flag but he's pretty fast so he's got that going for him. We've only had 3 practices since the lovely smoke has moved in but it's so fun watching him, I love it! There's suppose to be scrimmage games on saturday but we'll see how the smoke goes for us...
just a little pre game photo shoot...

my little midget out there

running backwards drill

water break

such a little guy!

they all kept patting him like that, i don't think they could believe how small he was ;)

this was not a catch :) looking good though!

papa and T

got the flag but after he already threw the ball

he's doing his "watching you" two finger motion, I about died!

LOVE this pic of mason and dustin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is really making me sad! I'm so glad hrs having fun playing!