Saturday, April 26, 2014

Washington Trip

We tried for the second time to fly out to Omaha and see our bff's but sickness struck our family once again and so we had to rethink our spring break vacation. We decided to take the boys to Seattle because why not? It was quite the experience, toting all our luggage through airports and hotels but we made some incredible memories that ill cherish always and hope the boys do too. We got to drive around the state some, we made it into a little road trip once we landed, stayed in 3 different towns and tried to see as much as we could. We spent the first 2 nights in smaller towns and enjoyed all the rain and green! We drove out along the coast and watched the huge waves crash. We ate in some tiny little dinners that were fabulous, even made a mac and cheese dinner in one of our rooms, ate popcorn and watched a movie while the rain poured down. Then we spent 2 nights in Seattle where we walked down to the public market, saw the disgustingly fascinating gum wall, went on the ferris wheel at the pier, went to a Mariners baseball game and of course went up the Space needle.

This picture cracks me up! I don't think T was enjoying his ride too much!

This fellow taught the boys to poke the fishes eyes ;)

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