Monday, August 4, 2014

Summer 2014

This summer has flown right by! I don't know if it's because the kids are in school and now we hold tight to these summer days not having to run around or if it's the fact that time is actually moving faster! We haven't done a ton but it's been busy and fun! The boys and I went up to Mount Shasta with my friend Heidi and her two girls for a few days, that was an adventure! It was really pretty up there, and we were able to walking around and swim in little swimming holes and hang out at the hotel, it was fun!

Then just last week Ed and I were able to sneak away for 4 days and head over to half moon bay with Peter and Emily. It was a very nice break! The hotel we stayed in was really cozy, I could've just laid in bed all day and listen to the seagulls and the boats coming in and out of the harbor! We were able to just sleep in and walk down to get lunch and dinner and at night we played games and just hung out! It was awesome!

We ran into some car trouble :)

Us with the nice tow truck man!

Let's just say it was nice to be home :)

There was also Rylan's 5th birthday party in reno at the EZ Air trampoline place. The boys had a blast with that! And I can't believe he's five already! Oye!

Mason also lost his first tooth a few weeks ago! That was very exciting! And I took he and Waylon to their first dental apt last week and the Doctor said mason's got 5 more that are ready to fall out any minute! I was excited too that neither of them had any cavities!

4th Of July was another fun one! We went up to carson high school again and sat in the back of my car! Truman was in awe this year it was sweet, there's something magical and cliche about watching fireworks in the eyes of your kids, it's really fun.

They were pretending to sleep don't be fooled :)

Watching Cousin Joe's fireworks on the east coast while waiting for ours to start!

And then here's just some random pictures that I know I'll be glad I put on here one day :) they pretty much explain themselves though...
Dealing with some minor knee issues (chondromalacia) rocking
some pretty fancy tape most this summer

Truman in his big boy bed

Putt Putt golfing at the lake

Iron man shooting his lasers 

Many days in the garden with grandma

Discovery Museum 

Charlee and Mason DM

Getting ready for sod

Looking so much better! Really enjoying this yard now!

It's been one for the books! I'm sure I'm forgetting something but I figured this is better than nothing :) We've got two more short weeks before school starts back up, I can't believe it! Waylon's going into kindergarten and Mason goes to 1st... Time slow down!

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