Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Mason's 7th Birthday

Oh this little boy! I look at these two pictures and can hardly believe how fast the time has gone, I remember him sitting on that rocking horse like it was yesterday. And yet here we are, first grade and seven years old. He's become quite the little athlete this year, he loves playing football and basketball he's reading and writing and goofy as ever. 

We decided not to do a big birthday party but instead let him pick a few friends to go and do something extra fun with. He chose Phoenix and Charlee and we took them up to EZ Air in reno and out to cheesecake factory for dinner. Besides the set back that Truman caused in my previous post we had a good time. They all loved bouncing and they patiently waited over 2 hours for dinner and I think they were glad when they got their ice cream sundaes that were bigger than their heads!

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