Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Dreaded Flu

Normally I don't write about us being sick because who wants to remember or hear about that? But sometimes a sickness runs through your home that when you make it out a live you can help but laugh and I think this was one that we'll never forget wether I write it down or not but here it is....

Thursday night, Oct 2 we all went over to mom and dads for dinner to celebrate my sister in laws birthday. Towards the end of the night waylon started complaining that his stomach hurt but that's not too odd from him. When we got home he went to bed but shortly after was miserable and by ten pm he was throwing up. Then again at 11, 12, 1 and every hour almost on the hour until about 5 am that poor kid threw up. I called the doctor at 4am to make sure we didn't need to go to the ER with the amount that he was getting up. The madness finally ended, he spent the next day with a low fever and wiped out. I was pretty sure by friday night the rest of us would be down and out but we were ok... until saturday night. I kicked us off next, i won't get into details but lets just say it was not pretty. I laid on the bathroom floor for about 3 hours before able to at least lay in bed for any amount of time and then by midnight mason joined me in throwing up. He slept on the living floor with a bucket and by 2 am Truman jumped in. Both of them puking every hour until about 6 am. Poor ed was dumping one bucket to the next and trying to tend to all 3 of us all night long. It was awful. I don't know if I've ever been that sick, and I know that Ive never seen my kids that sick. Ed lasted until wednesday and escaped with just stomach cramps for a few hours. Then just when we thought it was over, we had to get waylon from school early wednesday he was so miserable and all day friday (mason's birthday) then truman threw up in the car on the way to reno and we had to clean him up at a gas station and go by him an entire new outfit from old navy before headed to celebrate masons birthday (I'll post about that later). Then because that wasn't enough Mason also threw up last night, saturday, a week and half after all this started and truman had the blow out of a lifetime after nap.

Man oh man.

Today has been good. No one has said a single word about their stomach.

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