Monday, August 31, 2009

My little man

Not only is Mason growing and changing like crazy but it seems like every day I look at Waylon and ask him to stop growing so fast. He's laughing and rolling and eating "real" food and he's just at a really fun age right now! At his last check up he was almost 14 pounds so we're probably at 15 now, he's my chubba wubba! He cracks me up with his rolls on his legs to his one dimple on his right cheek to his laugh that sounds like Kermit the frog, he's a big bundle of joy that can always put a smile on our face!

Oh Mason...

Mason in quickly approaching 2 years old and boy is he busy! He's discovered that he can climb out of his bed now so not only are we getting a personal wake up call from him at our bedside at 6 in the morning on a Saturday but I'm struggling keeping him in bed to take his afternoon nap. On friday afternoon I put him down and he got out a couple times but I kept putting him back in bed, I thought the he'd finally gone down to I was on the computer and heard a couple little noises here and there but it's been really windy so I wrote it off as that then I heard some banging around so I went to his room to find that he wasn't in bed, went into the guest room and there he was. At first glance he looked soaking wet and I immediately assumed "toilet" but when I touched his hair it was EXTREMELY greasy... I asked him to show me what he did and sure enough he lead me to his room and pointed to a now half empty thing of vaseline that he nicely closed up and put back after he was done styling his hair! Well, if you've ever tried to get vaseline out you'd know that it doesn't come out. So for the past three days my son has been walking around looking like a poor neglected child that hasn't bathed in about a year, but truth is he's had about 5 baths in 3 days and still looks greasy! It was hard to be mad at him because one there was nothing I could do about it and two he looked far too "special" to not just laugh! Oh Mason...
This is what he looked like when I found him

After the bath
I can really style it now :-)

Dad and Mason are really having a good time over here... Mason loves being pulled around in the red wagon that our parents have, so the other day Dad tied a rope from the wagon to moms tricycle that she has and he was towing Mason around on that. Later that evening Jeremy and Steph where over for dinner and mom and dad and the guys were all outside playing ping pong when I hear Ed yell for me to "check out Mason" to my surprise Dad tied an old go cart that doesn't really run up to the back of his Gator and was towing mason around our property, it was a site to see, oh Mason...

And for my last Oh Mason is the fact that he's growing up so fast. He's sporting new words like elbow and outside and insist on feeding himself all the time. He loves to help out with Waylon by holding his bottle or giving him his "dinki" or binki as we say and it's just such a joy to watch him grow! He's loving coloring and dancing and Stephanie has introduced him to chalk and that changed his life :-) He can be a handful but when I step back and look at the bigger picture I see my baby boy growing quickly before my eyes and what a blessing he is to our family, Oh Mason...

The Tagliere Visit!

Finally, after a year since their last visit up here, Peter and Emily and Scout made it up to NV! It was a lot of fun having them here! The got here on a Tuesday but Ed had to work Wednesday and Thursday so we just hung out those days, playing with the kids and relaxing, we did go to the lake thursday night and got pizza afterwards and that was fun too. He was off on Friday so we decided to head up to the Scheels in Sparks and check that out. We had to take two cars so Emily and I drove up in their car with Scout and Peter and Ed and the boys went up in our car. It was pretty fun up there, kind of stressful with all the kids but we made the most of it :-) after walking around Scheels for hours, we went through some of the outlets and bought some outfits for the little ones then made our way back to carson and got dinner at Reds where Peter decided to let Mason wash his hands in the mens urinals :-) Ha ha! Then on Saturday we thought we'd just do a little trip so we got sandwiches from Port Of Subs and at the Genoa park and walked around there a little. We got some candy and did a little wine tasting and then headed home! We had a little bbq that night with simon and brittany come over too and played some wii! Sunday we were off to church and then had lunch with mom and dad and then mom made taquitos for dinner and so we hung out over there and played some volleyball! They were supposed to stay until that following tuesday but Peter's aunt past away so they had to get back for the funeral, so Monday we followed them out to Bridgeport and had breakfast with them and then had to part ways :-( It was so fun having them and seeing little Scout who's changed so much since we saw her like a week after she was born, she is just the sweetest little girl ever! I can't wait to see them again, it sounds like we're heading down for Peter's 30th Birthday bash so we're looking forward to that now!

The Move!

I'm kind of out of order here but that's ok! Let's see, we officially moved in on July 2 and I'd say within two weeks of that we were pretty settled! The move went well, we had a lot of help from all of my family and then mom and dad and simon helped! There's always a lot more to pack then you expect, I didn't think we had that much then we started packing and were running out of boxes quickly! It was fun though, getting moved in can be stressful but we were so excited to get over here that it was actually exciting! We all seem to be adjusting well, Mason is loving every aspect of it, from the bigger house to having a yard to have Papa and Grandma just a few feet away! It's amazing over here, we've been so blessed! We've also been having people over almost nightly, the weekends for sure, but it's been very busy around here. It's so nice to have the room to have people over and lots of volleyball and badminton games, not too mention the Wii nights... but that's another post! It's even pushing me to cook a lot more :-) I finally attempted taquitos the past two weekends in a row actually, they've been a hit! So it's wonderful here, we couldn't be happier!

Lake Tahoe

Well, it has been a beautiful summer and a busy one at that. We've taken a few trips to the lake this summer and there always a lot of fun and relaxing. Mid July we stayed in condo up there because my in laws have a time share thing and the had to use it so we decided to pack up for a "staycation"! It was a lot of fun, we went up on Friday night and hung out at the pool and the mom made spaghetti and Trent and Amanda came up (my niece and nephew) and we watched Saving Private Ryan (ha ha) and mom and Simon went on a Coldstone run! Mason was cracking
us up as he usually does, mom, trent, amanda and myself were laying on the floor and Mason got up on a chair and was jumping in to the crowd, mosh pitt style! It was pretty funny! I had to leave Saturday morning because my sister was having her baby but everyone else stayed and went to the lake and stuff and then just Ed and I and the kids stayed Sunday night and it was very nice up there, nice to get away even if it was only like 20 minutes from home!
Also, like I said, we've been trying to get up to the lake on Thursday evening for just an hour or two to unwind and catch up with one another, it's mainly been just Ed and I and mom and dad but last week Jeremy and Steph came up and Jeremy's cousin Brittany and her boyfriend and Nate and his family. It was a lot of fun, we played some uno and went to South Lake Tahoe Pizza Company and got some pizza with everyone! They have pretty good pizza up there, our favorite at the moment is the garlic chicken! We drove up with mom and dad this last time and we stopped and got ice cream first before the beach, it was great :-)

Rylan Leif

Well, I know it's been forever and I have a lot of catching up to do on here, but I'll start with my newest nephew! Rylan Leif joined us on July 19 after 2 days of intense labor for my poor sister. That weekend mom and dad and Ed and I and Simon went up to the lake to stay in a timeshare condo place and right before we went up I got a call from Tina saying that my sister was being admitted to the hospital because she was at risk for preeclampsia. So we went up to the lake and I told her to keep us posted, she called that night and said they were sending her home and then a few minutes later they called again and said that she's staying. I went up on Saturday morning and was with her all day and up the entire night with her. They gave her pitocin to help move her labor a long, and that it did but her contractions were crazy long and strong, so she went with the epidural to help her out. Well, it wasn't working, it didn't numb one side of her body so she was in a lot of pain for a long long time. Finally Sunday morning around 6:30 she was able to start pushing and 2 or so hours later he finally made it out with the help of a vacuum and forceps! I was so proud of her, she did amazing, and he's precious!

The 3 cousins together!