Monday, August 31, 2009

Oh Mason...

Mason in quickly approaching 2 years old and boy is he busy! He's discovered that he can climb out of his bed now so not only are we getting a personal wake up call from him at our bedside at 6 in the morning on a Saturday but I'm struggling keeping him in bed to take his afternoon nap. On friday afternoon I put him down and he got out a couple times but I kept putting him back in bed, I thought the he'd finally gone down to I was on the computer and heard a couple little noises here and there but it's been really windy so I wrote it off as that then I heard some banging around so I went to his room to find that he wasn't in bed, went into the guest room and there he was. At first glance he looked soaking wet and I immediately assumed "toilet" but when I touched his hair it was EXTREMELY greasy... I asked him to show me what he did and sure enough he lead me to his room and pointed to a now half empty thing of vaseline that he nicely closed up and put back after he was done styling his hair! Well, if you've ever tried to get vaseline out you'd know that it doesn't come out. So for the past three days my son has been walking around looking like a poor neglected child that hasn't bathed in about a year, but truth is he's had about 5 baths in 3 days and still looks greasy! It was hard to be mad at him because one there was nothing I could do about it and two he looked far too "special" to not just laugh! Oh Mason...
This is what he looked like when I found him

After the bath
I can really style it now :-)

Dad and Mason are really having a good time over here... Mason loves being pulled around in the red wagon that our parents have, so the other day Dad tied a rope from the wagon to moms tricycle that she has and he was towing Mason around on that. Later that evening Jeremy and Steph where over for dinner and mom and dad and the guys were all outside playing ping pong when I hear Ed yell for me to "check out Mason" to my surprise Dad tied an old go cart that doesn't really run up to the back of his Gator and was towing mason around our property, it was a site to see, oh Mason...

And for my last Oh Mason is the fact that he's growing up so fast. He's sporting new words like elbow and outside and insist on feeding himself all the time. He loves to help out with Waylon by holding his bottle or giving him his "dinki" or binki as we say and it's just such a joy to watch him grow! He's loving coloring and dancing and Stephanie has introduced him to chalk and that changed his life :-) He can be a handful but when I step back and look at the bigger picture I see my baby boy growing quickly before my eyes and what a blessing he is to our family, Oh Mason...

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