Monday, August 31, 2009

Rylan Leif

Well, I know it's been forever and I have a lot of catching up to do on here, but I'll start with my newest nephew! Rylan Leif joined us on July 19 after 2 days of intense labor for my poor sister. That weekend mom and dad and Ed and I and Simon went up to the lake to stay in a timeshare condo place and right before we went up I got a call from Tina saying that my sister was being admitted to the hospital because she was at risk for preeclampsia. So we went up to the lake and I told her to keep us posted, she called that night and said they were sending her home and then a few minutes later they called again and said that she's staying. I went up on Saturday morning and was with her all day and up the entire night with her. They gave her pitocin to help move her labor a long, and that it did but her contractions were crazy long and strong, so she went with the epidural to help her out. Well, it wasn't working, it didn't numb one side of her body so she was in a lot of pain for a long long time. Finally Sunday morning around 6:30 she was able to start pushing and 2 or so hours later he finally made it out with the help of a vacuum and forceps! I was so proud of her, she did amazing, and he's precious!

The 3 cousins together!

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