Monday, August 31, 2009

The Tagliere Visit!

Finally, after a year since their last visit up here, Peter and Emily and Scout made it up to NV! It was a lot of fun having them here! The got here on a Tuesday but Ed had to work Wednesday and Thursday so we just hung out those days, playing with the kids and relaxing, we did go to the lake thursday night and got pizza afterwards and that was fun too. He was off on Friday so we decided to head up to the Scheels in Sparks and check that out. We had to take two cars so Emily and I drove up in their car with Scout and Peter and Ed and the boys went up in our car. It was pretty fun up there, kind of stressful with all the kids but we made the most of it :-) after walking around Scheels for hours, we went through some of the outlets and bought some outfits for the little ones then made our way back to carson and got dinner at Reds where Peter decided to let Mason wash his hands in the mens urinals :-) Ha ha! Then on Saturday we thought we'd just do a little trip so we got sandwiches from Port Of Subs and at the Genoa park and walked around there a little. We got some candy and did a little wine tasting and then headed home! We had a little bbq that night with simon and brittany come over too and played some wii! Sunday we were off to church and then had lunch with mom and dad and then mom made taquitos for dinner and so we hung out over there and played some volleyball! They were supposed to stay until that following tuesday but Peter's aunt past away so they had to get back for the funeral, so Monday we followed them out to Bridgeport and had breakfast with them and then had to part ways :-( It was so fun having them and seeing little Scout who's changed so much since we saw her like a week after she was born, she is just the sweetest little girl ever! I can't wait to see them again, it sounds like we're heading down for Peter's 30th Birthday bash so we're looking forward to that now!

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