"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise" Deteronomy 6:5-7
Monday, August 29, 2011
Mason Makes the Paper
Ok ok I know it's not THAT exciting, but I was pretty excited. The county built a new jail and had an open house for it the other night. We decided to not attend but wanted the boys to go with my sister-in-law. She took all the kids down and did the tour with them and they got to pet one of the horses. So Mason and my niece Amanda got their picture taken petting the horse and there was a little article in the paper! I thought it was cute ;) Here's the link if you're interested...
Summer Fun and Random Pics
I can't believe that it's already the end of August! Where in the world did this summer go? I've only made it up to the Lake 3 times but it seems like we've been ever so busy! I've taken the boys to the swim center twice, once on a play date with Madeline and once with Steph and her nephew Anthony, both times it was a hit. We've done a few park days, hit up the nice and cool library and lots and lots of just hanging out around the yard. We even did a day at Wild Island with Steph and my sister-in-law and my niece and nephews! I have to say, this sumer has been a lot of fun but I am looking forward to winter again, a little slower pace, although Steph and I were talking last night and there's only like 2 free weekend between now and after the Holidays, it's insane, so hunker down folks it's about to get even crazier!

God's Grace
Poor Waylon, he came down with a fever on a friday night a few weeks ago and fought it for 4 days. It spiked at a 103.6 but remained right in there all 4 days. It seems we always get sick on a friday night, right before the weekend where I can't get into the doctors office. We battled out the fever all weekend and I was able to get him in on Monday afternoon. The doctor thought for that he had strep but tested him anyway and it wasn't, it ended up being a virus that looks and acts like strep but doesn't respond to antibiotics just needs to run its corse. At that point the fever had finally broke so she gave him a throat numbing medicine to make him a little more comfortable. I feel so bad when the boys get fevers. They are just miserable and I just bug them to death with the cold wash clothes, yucky medicines and constant temperature checks. Thankfully no one else got it, just Waylon and by the end of the week he was much better.

Puppy...Kittens...Who am I?
We started talking about getting another dog, looking at pictures and prices and seeing what's out there. We really weren't all that serious, it more like something that sounded like a good idea... Well I stumbled across this adorable little year and a half old Beagle/Hound dog on the incline animal shelter website. I called to see what it would take to get him, found myself filling out the adoption app, getting our animals current on shots and two days later driving up to incline to pick up our Henry boy! I don't know what happened exactly, I fell in love with this little guy, and if you know me you'd know I'm not a huge animal fan, but he was so sweet I couldn't resist. Plus, I wanted a pal for our dog Bailey to have in the yard with her, and I wanted a smaller dogs for the boys- They just love him, way calls him "hungry" and mason calls him "honey" so we're working on that. He dug out of the yard within the first few days, but I fixed that problem and he didn't listen at all and he's already gotten a lot better at that too! I'm pretty happy with Mr. Henry and Ed secretly loves him too.

We have an amazing back yard, tons and tons of grass, a nice concrete area/basketball court but there's just this one area that we've always grown our goat head stickers that we finally decided needed to be grass. I should back up a little bit though because we've always wanted grass there but never really had the push to do it, my aunt gave me a few boxes or plants and oak tree to plant and I didn't have anywhere to put them. I wanted just a little planter over in that sticker area but we decided it was probably a good time to start this project. Before grass though you must trench and put in sprinkler lines! The saturday we started, or I should say Ed and Dad started, (july 16th) I had a few errands to run and a Birthday party to attend and after seeing the great progress Ed was making we both thought that by the time I got home it would be mostly done. Well, we I got back I found Ed about six feet underneath the concrete trying to repair a water line that he broke with the tractor...I can happily say that 3 weeks later the sprinklers are in and done! Ha! Poor guy, he was working late nights during the week and really only had Saturdays to work on it, so it was quite the process, and thank goodness for his Dad who was just a tremendous help! In the midst of it all, the boys were probably the happiest they've ever been, we had a huge sand mountain that they just loved and couldn't get enough of running through those trenches!

4th Of July Week
I'm a little behind I know...but here's my 4th of July post! We didn't do anything to exciting this year, we didn't even take the boys to fireworks (we figured they're still young and don't know any differently) so we went to my side of the fam for a BBQ during the day and then barbecued some hamburgers with ed's parents! It was a nice day and even nicer because we didn't have to fight the crowds and be out super late! Also that week our church held it's annual 4 day club. It's like a VBS and this year Mason was so into it! He did really well too, he sat with the other children and listened just great. Waylon was still to young be we hung out in the back and made it through. This year was even more encouraging because the little school behind our church brought over 12 or so kids, so we had a nice sized group which was just awesome! Also that week we were able to have Diane and her lovely grandkids over for a lunch and slip and slide play date! That was very fun, it was sort of overcast that day and ever so slightly cool so I filled up the pool with warm water and that was a hot spot for all.

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