Monday, August 29, 2011

God's Grace

Poor Waylon, he came down with a fever on a friday night a few weeks ago and fought it for 4 days. It spiked at a 103.6 but remained right in there all 4 days. It seems we always get sick on a friday night, right before the weekend where I can't get into the doctors office. We battled out the fever all weekend and I was able to get him in on Monday afternoon. The doctor thought for that he had strep but tested him anyway and it wasn't, it ended up being a virus that looks and acts like strep but doesn't respond to antibiotics just needs to run its corse. At that point the fever had finally broke so she gave him a throat numbing medicine to make him a little more comfortable. I feel so bad when the boys get fevers. They are just miserable and I just bug them to death with the cold wash clothes, yucky medicines and constant temperature checks. Thankfully no one else got it, just Waylon and by the end of the week he was much better.

I titled this post God's grace because not only did He get us through that week with Waylon and it was nothing more than a simple virus but He had his hand on Mason and my Momma that day too. Susie kindly took Mason for me the day I took Waylon to the doctor, she had to run to reno to pick up some material for our business and he tagged along with her. She called on her way back and said she had to stop at Trader Joe's for a few things and then she'd be home. A few hours had passed and I was so occupied with Way and dinner I hadn't really noticed, Ed too wasn't home and I had sent him a few text with no response but still wasn't by any means alarmed, it all was pretty normal. Around 7 pm Ed, his mom and Mason all walked in, I still assumed nothing other than they all got home at the same time, but then Ed asked Mason to "Tell mom what happened"... Turns out there was some ducks crossing a road and the lady in front of my mom stopped on the HWY for the ducks and mom crashed into the back of her. The Lord had taken 9 lives within 3 weeks of their accident on that HWY and he ever so graciously spared my little boy and my precious mother-in-law from nothing more then a tiny bruised neck from Mason's carseat straps. I could hardly believe that they were in an accident and fine, I just hugged Mason and had an abundance of thanks to the merciful God I worship! Moms car had to be towed away, she cracked the radiator or something so it didn't run but I was still just ever so thankful! Mason wasn't scared or shaken up at all, in fact he went and grabbed a little race car toy he has and a tow truck toy too and showed me what happened, and was very animated!

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