Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happy Birthday Ed!

I returned from LA on the 20th and Ed' birthday was the next day. I planned a dinner for Friday but the boys and I wanted to do something for his actual Birthday. We went to the park and had lunch with him and then the kids and I came home and decorated and made a cake to have our own little party with just the 4 of us. It was pretty fun, the boys made a sign for him and each picked out their own cards for him. Then thursday night Jeremy and Steph had us over for dinner to celebrate since they could come Friday. We left the boys with Papa and Drama (that's what the boys call her) and we had the Costco blue packet steaks (somewhat inside joke sorry lol) It was delicious as always and then we had some Baskin Robins ice cream and hung out! Friday night we had our families over and made some carnitas. Another fun night!!!

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