Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Meeting Sailor Jean

Sweet Sailor Jean was born August 29th and I was able to fly down a meet her! I was very anxious about flying alone and being gone from my family for 5 days but we made it happen and I was so glad that I did! I flew down on a Thursday night and the whole fam picked me up from the airport. Scout was super excited to see me, she talked my ear off all the way home, it was so cute. And little miss Sailor was just ever so precious and tiny, I forget how incredibly tiny new borns are (she was two weeks when I got there). So fun, the next morning I was still on my home schedule of being waken up by two little boys around 6:30 so I got up to read for awhile and I hear "STACIA! STACIA!" from Scouts room :0) She was ready to play the second her little eyes opened it was adorable, I couldn't have been happier! That night we met up with Josh and Michelle and went down to the food trucks. So. Good. That was a lot of fun, Sailor slept through it all and Scout danced her way down the streets and the food was amazing!! Afterwards we had to go to the store but Sailor was on the verge of waking up and going to be very hungry, we went for it anyway ha ha! She woke up five steps into the store so Em took her to the car to feed her while Pete, Scout and I split the list and ran through the store as fast as we could, it was kind of comical, and Scout was just yelling "Emawee" trying to find her... too funny! We made it though all to say! We also had a nice dinner over at the Tagliere's (Pete's parents) and that was really nice, I got to see his whole family again, he, his brother and his brother-in-law have close birthdays so we were celebrating that! Em and I also got out one day and did a little shopping at H&M- love that store, and another day her mom watched both girls and we went and got pedicures and lunch! And her mom was also kind enough to have us over for dinner the night Pete went back to work, and we barbequed and Scout and I swam in her pool, it was so nice! I couldn't believe how fast 5 days just flew right by! It was so great to spend time down there by my self with my precious friend and her adorable girls, I was so glad that I could help out a little and get to just soak in Sailor before we all head down there (next week). I just love those girls so much, had such a fabulous time! And it was all made possible by my sweet husband who insisted that I go for that long and take some time for my self, my grandparents who watched the boys one day and did all kinds of arts and crafts and sounds like had a super fun time with the boys, and my momma who also took the boys one of the days and my sweet "Stephy" as mason calls her, she cleaned my house and baked bread and lemon bars and the boys just loved hanging out with her, Mason even told her at nap time "I love you Stephy" so sweet! It was very comforting knowing that my boys were in good hands, made it a lot easier to leave :0) and at the airport I was greeted home by both boys running across the airport yelling Mommy!! All in all just an amazing time was had, can't wait to get back down there, all 8 under one roof should be very exciting!!!

Swimming at Diane's
Sporting our matching Target pants and shirts <3

Last day good byes

The girls ;) love them!
Playing with Scout! Too Fun!
Sailor girl, so so cute!
Food Trucks!

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