Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mason Turns 4

I can't even believe it but my baby boy turned 4 on monday! He gets more and more excited each year for his birthday, he woke up that morning and asked "where's my birthday?" I don't think he gets that it's a day and not a physical thing but none the less it's so cute! Papa brought doughnuts over in the morning and we stuck a candle in it and sang to him! Then I had bible study so Steph brought lunch over and picked up the cake for me and we had our study with the ladies of our church and then she graciously stayed with me and helped decorate and made some appetizers (she also took all the pictures for me). We had fun getting the house all ready, things are always more fun with a friend. Ed picked up the balloons and then got the boys out of the house while we finished up, he and I made the mac and cheese the night before so we just had to get it in the oven. We had such a great turn out, we are so blessed by all the sweet friends and family we have! Mason loved blowing out his candles and opening his fun gifts, he got all kinds of adorable clothes and some fun toys! Thank you to all who came and those who couldn't make it but still dropped off things for him, it's so appreciated, he was one happy boy :0)

1 comment:

Jerry and Carolyn said...

It looks like he had a lot of fun.
Thanks for the cute pic of him.