Monday, January 16, 2012

The Whole Gang Under One Roof

A month after I was able to fly down and meet Sailor and spend some time with them we as a family drove down so that the rest of my gang could meet her and hang out with Auntie Em and Uncle Pete :0) The drive down was the best one we've had yet, I think we only stopped once to eat and once for a potty break but the boys did amazing, we were very excited about this. We got down there late afternoon and the kids were off... the first pic here was taken within an hour of us being there, Pete busted out his motorcycle and we brought the boys bikes with us so they hopped on those and got the 7 hours of energy that they had bottled up out.

Sailor already looked so different from just a month ago, it's just crazy how fast they grow, especially when you don't get to see them all the time. The boys were really into her, mainly Waylon, he kept calling her "baby sister"and just wanted to look at her and know where she was at all times, it was pretty sweet.Pete's parents lent us their car so that we could all ride around together, which was SO nice and SO much fun. We went down to the beach the next day, it was suppose to be warm and sunny but the first beach we went to was pretty chilly so we went down to another one that was a little better but it wasn't your typical "beach" weather. None the less the kids had a blast, we packed a lunch and some toys and they loved it. Afterwards we went and had some ice cream and walked around some of the shops that we seem to visit almost every time we go down, it's a fun spot!

We were very thankful for Pete's Mom and Dad they were such a huge help, not only did they let us drive their car around for a week but they watched the kids a few nights for us too so just the 4 of us could go out. The first night we went to Umami Burger, it was so delicious, and then we ended up at a Pier One and home by 8... we really know how to live it up :) Its always a good time though!
Then we spent some time around the house, I think Pete and Ed went out a day or two and did some things while Em and I stayed home with the kids. We baked cookies and watched movies and played. I just love having all the kids together, they are just too cute!

We I came down by myself they took me to the food trucks and they were soooo tasty, so we all went back this trip too. The boys were really loving it, they got all kinds of different foods and lots of it :) and it was a nice warm night, we had a lot of fun down at the trucks!

And, as if it wasn't enough already, I really wanted to take the boys back to Disneyland, our last visit was 2 years ago right after Christmas with 10 million others in the rain and I said I would never go back... But I knew it could be better than that so went back for some redemption! We had a great time too! The boys were loving ever second of it, they thought the rides were a blast, the got churros and were able to see a live acted out episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It was fabulous weather and not super crowded, we had a really nice time.

Our next outing was the Mason Jennings concert. Pete's parents again watched the kiddos for us and we went to another fabulous dinner, I'm not coming up with the name at the moment but it was this little hole in the wall that barely had any seating but the food was so good that we ate the first half of our meal standing up before we got a table. Then we headed over to the El Rey theater in Holloywood for the concert. The show was super fun, I forgot how much I do enjoy his music. Another fun night!!!

Well, we were going to head home on saturday but Em had 2 birthdays to go that we decided to tag along to and just go home sunday. I was really glad we did, the first party was for a friend of hers that we've met several times, they have son that is like a week or 2 younger than Mason and then their daughter was turning 1 at about the same time so they had them together. It was really crowded but the boys had so much fun, they had a little bounce house and a pinata so they were happy. Then the next party more of just a little girl puppet show party so just em and I and the girls went over there and it was one of the cutest parties I've ever been too, so sweet! Then we made dinner at home and just hung out all together that last night.

As always we just so enjoy being able to spend time with our Taglieres. We were all a little nervous about having 8 of us all under one roof but it went surprisingly well, the kids all did really great and we left with our friendship stronger then ever ;) Now I'm anxiously waiting for them to come up in February!!!

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