Monday, January 16, 2012

Christmas Time

Alright, so as always Christmas time is filled with many activities and get togethers so here's how it went this year for us and the pics are a little out of order but that's ok....

Jen wanted to take the boys to do build a bear for their Christmas present, and what a fun idea that was, they loved it! They picked out their little stuffed animals and got to step on the pedal to shoot the fluff in and then they got to pick out outfits and all! It was super fun! Then after we did that we had to do a little shopping for Nate and Ed and then we hit up In-N-Out and finished the day at the movies. It was so great spending the day with those guys, the boys really enjoyed it.

Christmas day was a very nice day, Ed and I stayed up kind of late getting the toys ready and watched It's a Wonderful life, but I didn't want to miss the kids walking out to their Fire station so I turned the monitor up as loud as it could go and as soon as we heard them stirring we jumped out of bed and beat them to living room by seconds ;) They were super excited over the fun things they got! Then we pretty much spent the day just lounging around, my dad and brother came over for a little bit and played with the boys and we did a Facetime Chat with mom and dad who were in Colorado, then we cleaned up and got ready for a very special treat...

We got to spend Christmas night with Jeremy, Steph and Addison! It was so nice, we exchanged all the stuff we had for each other and had dinner and just got to spend some time together before all their company started to come in. It was definitely a Christmas to remember!

Now these pics should be at the very top because this is really what kicked off the Christmas celebration so to speak, our church Christmas dinner at Diane's! Always a really fun time, every one brought delicious dishes and then we did a white elephant gift exchange!

Alright, then my dear sweet friend Diane whom we met through church and have become really close with, she was going to the bay area for 3 weeks to spend Christmas with her son and daughter-in-law so I wanted to have her over for dinner before she left. This was Dec. 20, the same night steph went into labor. So she came over and had dinner with us and then helped us do a little gingerbread house. We had a very nice visit with her which was good because the 3 weeks she was gone seemed like forever!

These pics are from Christmas Eve. We were able to get together with my side of the family and do our Christmas on Christmas eve. My uncle cooked a very fabulous lunch and then we did the gifts and watched a movie and had hot chocolate, it was a really great day we had so much fun!

Here's a video, that I think is pretty cute, of Mason opening his Voltron Force Action Figure thingy...

We also had nate and jen over to do our christmas thing with them and mason and joe were having too much fun, Joe let mason pull his hair and they both thought it was hilarious! So cute!

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