Monday, January 16, 2012

Misc and Random Post

I haven't blogged in so long that as it is the last 8 post were quite the accomplishment but there's some really cute pics and a few little things that I want to throw in here... So there's going to be some pics of the boys in their little suites, I'm really enjoying having my two boys, as much as I would love to have a little girl to put in dress, I'm equally enjoying the fun suite and ties. Then I've been making tie blankets, Steph did one and she told me how to do it so it's become my newest crafty thing, it takes an hour to throw one of those together compared to the months it takes me to knit or crochet one so I've been enjoying making those, I've done about 10 now, I wish I would've taken pictures of all of them but they'll be few here too. Also we had to give our second dog Henry back the shelter, that was kind of sad, but he was just WAY to high maintenance, he destroyed are yard, chewed everything, got out and killed our neighbors chicken (that was the straw that broke this camels back) so we had to give him back. Also I've had pink eye, now that is fun! HA! No it has been absolutely miserable, I wouldn't wish this on anyone my eyes have been oozy , swollen, itchy, neon red and ugly as all get out. And then on top of it I had a virus (hence the pin eye) that also gave me a sore throat that looks and acts like strep but had no treatment and I tell ya there were a few nights that hurt so bad it brought me to tears. It's been really icky but I think its all better now but boy oh boy i hope that was a once in a lifetime thing. And last little random tidbit, usually by now we are buried in snow but this year I haven't seen more than a flake or two and that was months ago, I love the winter and snow but I must admit has been nice, we've gone to the park and been playing outside everyday so there's a few pics of that too. Enjoy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seriously, this seems like yesterday!!