Thursday, April 11, 2013

Four Months

Truman had his 4 month check today and he's looking good! He weighs 13 pounds 12 ounces and is 24 inches long. The doctor said we could start some solids whenever we wanted to but thought we should wait maybe until he starts showing more of an interest. At 4 months he's still waking up usually twice at night but I actually like it, he nurses quickly and goes right back down and I just want him to eat and grow as much as possible! He's rolling now as I said in my last post, he's got the funniest little laugh that is only brought on by tickling his neck or clapping his hands. He loves doing patty cake and hanging out in his stroller but he's not a fan of the car or carseat anymore. He doesn't quite suck his fingers or thumb but I'm pretty sure it's going to happen soon because they are always in his mouth! I just love and adore this little boy he is so sweet and growing so fast! Oh and his eyes are still blue but seem to be changing a little, you can see some brown in the center starting to show up.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


It's official we've got a baby on the move... Somewhat, he's rolling! Little Truman hates tummy time so it's been quite the battle to get him to at least try and relax and pick that big ole head up ;) today I put him on the couch chase and he just flipped right over, first I thought maybe it was just the couch and he coincidentally rolled over but he did it 3 more times then I out him on the floor just to really make sure it was actually happening and help rolled again right away! I'm a happy momma. It's been kind of funny because last time right before his two month check I was concerned because he wasn't smiling and that was of the "marks" he was suppose to be able to do by two months and 3 days before his apt he finally started smiling! And same thing now I've been a little concerned that he's not rolling and after all that he rolled today and his apt is tomorrow afternoon :) good timing Truman!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Car Rides

Mason and Waylon are getting to be such fun ages I am just enjoying them more than ever. Lately our newest thing, after I pick up Mason from preschool, is to "rock out" on our way home, they always request a song that they can air guitar or dance crazy too, it's hilarious to me I love it. And now they are also starting to want to wear sunglasses, another thing that cracks me up... Love these two...

Friday, April 5, 2013

The many faces of T

Truman is changing so much it blows my mind when I look through pictures just even over a few weeks. Not only does he change a little every day but he's got so many facial expressions it cracks me up. He's not quite rolling yet and hates tummy time but we spend lots of time in the floor trying to strengthen those neck muscles. Here's just some random moments with Truman...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Easter Musical

Mason's school did a little Easter Musical that was so adorable! All the kids dressed in their Easter best and sang their little hearts out. It was really hard to see Mason but nonetheless it was precious and we had a great time.

Waylon's 4th Birthday

Waylon has been really into the Avengers so we went with that for his party theme this year. We also decided to have it at Round Table too since he loves to go there for pizza and "pottage cheese." Again, he wasn't feeling well and didn't really nap that day so I rushed the party along the best I could. I think he had an ok time despite not being a 100% and I appreciated everyone who came out to help make his day special! We also went out on his actual birthday, Monday, to Francisco's! We thought it would be fun for him to wear the sombrero and celebrate Mexican style and then we went back to grandmas house for cake and ice cream ;) I can't believe he's 4 already, he's got such a unique little personality that just makes us laugh all the time and he has one of the kindest hearts of any kid I know. Our lives are that much better thanks to our Waylon Jay, we love you so much baby boy!

I made this little collage to reflect on some of the fun moments with this guy...


Easter was kinda weird this year, Waylon got to be the sick one, so for the 3rd year in a row we didn't really celebrate. We went to church and came home and rested then we went out to dinner with mom and dad but way was just miserable so I ended up leaving with he and Truman and just coming home, he was burning up and had a yucky cough. I did manage to capture one picture of him smiling...

Discovery Museum

We took the kids to the discovery museum in Reno last week and they had such a great time. There was all kinds of different activity centers, a huge "cloud climb" jungle gym thing and all kinds of fun stuff. I think they could've just climbed all day long but they did enjoy all the other activities too.