Thursday, April 11, 2013

Four Months

Truman had his 4 month check today and he's looking good! He weighs 13 pounds 12 ounces and is 24 inches long. The doctor said we could start some solids whenever we wanted to but thought we should wait maybe until he starts showing more of an interest. At 4 months he's still waking up usually twice at night but I actually like it, he nurses quickly and goes right back down and I just want him to eat and grow as much as possible! He's rolling now as I said in my last post, he's got the funniest little laugh that is only brought on by tickling his neck or clapping his hands. He loves doing patty cake and hanging out in his stroller but he's not a fan of the car or carseat anymore. He doesn't quite suck his fingers or thumb but I'm pretty sure it's going to happen soon because they are always in his mouth! I just love and adore this little boy he is so sweet and growing so fast! Oh and his eyes are still blue but seem to be changing a little, you can see some brown in the center starting to show up.

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