Wednesday, April 10, 2013


It's official we've got a baby on the move... Somewhat, he's rolling! Little Truman hates tummy time so it's been quite the battle to get him to at least try and relax and pick that big ole head up ;) today I put him on the couch chase and he just flipped right over, first I thought maybe it was just the couch and he coincidentally rolled over but he did it 3 more times then I out him on the floor just to really make sure it was actually happening and help rolled again right away! I'm a happy momma. It's been kind of funny because last time right before his two month check I was concerned because he wasn't smiling and that was of the "marks" he was suppose to be able to do by two months and 3 days before his apt he finally started smiling! And same thing now I've been a little concerned that he's not rolling and after all that he rolled today and his apt is tomorrow afternoon :) good timing Truman!

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