Thursday, May 21, 2009

Crazy Kids!

Well, it seems like sickness has been bouncing around our family for forever it seems... Two weeks ago we discovered that Mason 
had an ear infection at his routine doctor visit and so she prescribed amoxicillin and he was finished with it as of Saturday but yesterday afternoon he broke out in these crazy hives! I called the on call doctor and he said that as long as they are coming and going it was nothing to worry about... well those who know me know that I'm a worrier, so at 2am when he woke up completely  covered in welts, I called again and got the same advice. So, we gave him Tylenol and went back to sleep. I was hoping to wake up to him fine (I had high hopes it would just disappear) he wasn't though, he was acting fine but had a slight temperature and still covered with a new batch of welts. Susie and I took him to the doctor to discover that it may be 
a reaction to the penicillin or a viral infection that's just running it's course! He prescribed more meds and hopefully that will help! The poor little guy though will be fine one minute and
 the next covered in welts but then they go away as soon as he cools down! It's crazy, but with kids it just seems like it's always something, especially with two, but with that said, Waylon is doing great, he's eating 6 ounces which is a lot for a little guy like him, and he's still sleeping a lot so that's been great! Anyway, pray for Mason that he'll heal quickly and not be to irritated with this thing! It's not contagious or anything like that so we're making our way down to L.A. in the morning to see Peter and Emily and their newest addition!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor little guy! Well, hope your trip goes accident free and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! See you when you get back.