Thursday, October 29, 2009

Little Malachi

A few days ago Ed was telling me about this family, he had gone to school with the mom, Rachel, and their son was diagnosed with leukemia when he was like a year and half. He's been battling this horrible sickness for 2 years, in and out of the hospital (mostly just in) they finally let him go home 10 days ago because there was nothing else they could do for him. He's been in so much pain and so uncomfortable and the Lord finally called him home this morning at 3 years old. I can't even imagine... they also have a son who I think is 4 maybe 5. If we could just be praying for this family that they would find comfort in knowing that their son is face to face with our Lord, pain free and completely at peace. The boy's name was Malachi James Smith, his Parents are Wes and Rachel and his big brother Ethan. It's so difficult to think that God could call this little boy home so soon, but as I was reminded, God too cry's with their family today. As I read Rachel's blog and their caring bridge blog, she and her husbands faith is incredible and encouraging. If anyone would like to view her blog, there's a link under "Blogs I follow" on my page here to the right her name is Rachel Smith, and here's a link to their caring bridge page:
I don't even know this family yet they have to deeply impacted my life in the past couple of days and as I watch my two healthy baby boys play and crawl and even cry I am reminded that life can change in an instant and we are to take NOTHING for granted! We have so much to be thankful for in our lives, and just when we think we have it tough or I know I get tired of changing stinky diapers or when both kids are screaming and the house is a mess; count it all joy! After reading what this family has been going through it's hard to think, "Waylon stop crying," because I am so blessed to hear him cry, for God to let me wake up to another day with my children, and my heart goes out to the Smith family today our prayers are with you.

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