Sunday, October 4, 2009

Oakland Trip

So much fun! Yesterday Ed and I went down to Oakland with Jeremy, Stephanie, Brittany and Simon for an A's game and some shopping! We left around 7:30am and drove to Jackson where we got a great breakfast at Mel and Fey's Diner! Then from there we went straight to the A's stadium we're we got some massive hot dogs, nacho's, cotton candy, peanuts and who know what else! It was beautiful weather down there, perfect baseball watching weather! The game itself was kind of uneventful, the A's were down 4 nothing in the 7th inning and Angels pulled all there starting players, so we decided to get a head start of the crowd and head out. So we left there and went over to the Vacaville outlet mall. There the fun really began... we shopped 'til we dropped! It was so much fun, we hit up just about all the outlets and Stephanie found us one deal after another! It was great! We were all about shopped out and starving (somehow) so we went from there over to the fabulous Cheesecake factory. It was a 45 min wait so Ed, Steph, Brit and I went over to Old Navy to find Waylon a halloween costume, and thankfully it was a success (we had some trouble finding the Old Navy). By the time we got back it was time to EAT! It was really good, I had only been there once before awhile back so it was great to get to go again! It's delicious there, if you've never been you've gotta go :-) Then it was the long treck home... Jeremy decided that he'd drive home so we all tried to get some sleep because by the time we left the restaurant it was 10:30pm. I can't sleep in a car but I must of dossed off because when I woke up we were in a white out blizzard! It was crazy! From Caples Lake to Oro way it was snowing like crazy! I don't think we ever went over 40mph and poor Jeremy could barely see out the windshield, it was so cold that it just kept freezing over and nothing was helping it! It definitely made for an interesting ride home. We finally arrived around 1:30am and praise God for getting us here safely! Then we thought for sure that it would stop snowing and be gone by morning like normally but instead we woke up to about 6 inches of snow and it didn't stop until around 11am today! (By the way, the kids had stayed with Mom and Dad). We had no power, Dad had to get the generator going over at his house so we were over there for a little bit today, it's been quite impressive with the snow... but, like the typical NV snowy day, the sun came out and melted over half of it :-( but it's cold!!!!! Burrrrrr!

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