Monday, September 28, 2009

Wolf Creek!

Yesterday, mom and dad, simon and I and the boys went up to Wolf Creek after church! Ed wasn't feeling well, so just I went up with the kids and it was so much fun and so beautiful up there! Dad brought his little grill and we had a hot dog lunch! Afterward we walked down to the little creek and put our feet in the freezing water and watched Simon's dog go crazy over going in the water. It was just so nice up there, and the drive was fun, mom and I and the kids went in my car and dad and Simon went in simon's truck. It took about and hour to get there and a bumpy road but it was fun. On the way home we stopped for ice cream at a little shop in markleeville and sat outside and talked! I couldn't think of a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon, I just wish Ed would have been there! But we hope to get up there again soon before the snow falls!!!

Pete's 30th!

Ed's good friend Peter also turned 30 this month, so we went down to L.A. for his big Birthday bash! It was so much fun, we left the kids with Mom and Dad and left Friday morning. His party was Friday night at the Edison in down town L.A., it's this really cool/fancy bar, I've never seen anything like it before. They have a super strict dress code and everything, so we got all dressed up for it. It was the first time Ed and I have ever really gone out so it was a great time! Then Saturday Ed and Peter went to a Mason Jenning's concert while Emily, Scout and I went shopping and got dinner and had a girls night that was really fun! Then it was up early on Sunday to head back! It was a really quick trip but so much fun!

Ed's 30th!

I can't believe it, but Ed has turned 30!!! We had a little surprise part for him on Monday and it turned out great! We went down to L.A. the weekend before his Birthday so I couldn't really have a part then, so I told him we were just having a little family dinner on Monday night with Jeremy and Stephanie and then people started arriving and boy was he shocked :-) At first he was a little upset but he came around! Mom made chicken and sausage sandwich stuff that was delicious and made a cake and my grandma brought a salad and it was all terrific! I had asked people to chip in so we could get Ed a Wii, and everyone was so generous and he was able to get that and a game he wanted, he was thrilled! It turned out very nice and I hope he had a great time, he sure deserved it!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad

My wonderful in-laws celebrate their 36th wedding anniversary today! I tell ya, I can't imagine better parents to Ed and I, we both look up to them and have the upmost respect for them. They love the Lord and always put him first in their lives and in their marriage and are a constant reminder to us that Christ is in control of all things especially in our ability to love one another and to bring glory to Him. Mom is the perfect example of what it means to be a wife. "An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels." Proverbs 31:10 tells us that and I believe that dad has found himself a jewel. She's one of a kind and I know that I'm constantly turning to her in my life for wisdom and guidance and she's always there to offer up advise and pray with me. "Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all." Proverbs 31:29 And Dad, he too is simply one of a kind. The love he has for mom is perfect, he is the head of his wife but with all the love and respect in the world. He would do anything for her and they are so fun just to watch as an "old married couple" (even though they are not that old) from the way he nicely complains about dinner, to the way he misses her when she's away, it all warms my heart to see. Dad has always been there for us, it hasn't always been easy but everything has only brought us closer. I know that he is always there for us and it has been such a blessing to be able to spend as much time with him as we have the past couple of months and really get to know him. He's a joy to be around, I know that I look forward to his phone calls checking on Mason or to warn me about suspicious vehicles in the neighborhood, he's always looking out for us. I definitely don't tell him enough but I love him very much and have a great deal of respect for him as well. God has graciously brought me into their family and what a blessing it has been, they are the definition of Parents, Grandparents and of Marriage and we love them with all our hearts! Happy Anniversary you guys!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Wedding Bells

Saturday was Joey and Natalee's wedding. I went to school with Natalee and she also works for Minden Electric, so that's the connection there! It was perfect weather, it's been really hot and windy here for the past couple of weeks, Saturday morning it got really cloudy and by afternoon it sprinkled a little even. We were really nervous for her, I thought for sure it was going to start pouring rain right around wedding time! But, it held up and was gorgeous, with the dark clouds but sun all in one and it was the perfect temperature! They had a big wedding party, I think there was seven or so on each side and they all looked great! It was fun, we went with mom and dad and simon, so that's always a good time in itself, and it was just a nice evening! Congrats to Natalee and Joey!
Ed and Simon
Mason and I
Mom Ed and Way trying to stay warm
The beautiful bride

Mom with my handsome man ;-)
Mason's new friend Paige
The bridal party
Mom and I


We're always long over do, especially my boys (all 3 of them). We finally got in to see Nyona and we all got haircuts! We trimmed up Mason's curls so now he's extra curly, she cut Ed's down to nothing because his hair grows to stinkin' fast, I got bangs back, I've been growing them out but I'm kind of over that so the bangs are back, and Waylon even got his haircut for the 1st time! All my boys look so handsome! Waylon did really well, I held him while she cut and he looks like a big boy now... and he's only 5 months old ;-) It was a much needed visit, thanks Nyona!!!

Rib Cook Off 2009

One of the best times of the year is the rib cook off! We went up the day it started with mom and dad, simon and stephanie and did the cook off! It was a lot of fun, we got ribs from a couple of places and they're all so good! We got funnel cake and soft serve ice cream, Mason got a balloon from a nice old clown man and we just walked around! It wasn't too crowded that day but then we went up again with just simon and jeremy and stephanie and there was sooooo many people, it was insane! Some how we always score a sweet parking spot though, so that was nice but it was really crowded and hot that day! But it's fun to go and hang out with the fam and friends!
Waylon pretty much slept through it all
Mason and his monkey balloon
The "balloonist"
Trent and Amanda :-)
Steph and I
Mmm Pork Sandwich!
Mason eatin' some ribs!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today is my sweet grandmas Birthday so we had my family over last night for dinner, I made my sausage pepper and ravioli dinner that seemed to be a hit and I made a cake! I was all excited because my cake came out of the oven all perfect, it didn't fall in the center like they always do, I even called mom and was like "I made the best cake ever!" Sure enough though something had to go wrong right?!? Well when I went to frost the cake the entire top kept peeling off so it seriously looked like Mason attacked it, but really it was just me making a cake! I even tried to like put sprinkles on it to make it look better but it just made it worse! It seems like every time I make a cake something happens to it and it turns out ugly as all get out! But everyone had a good time, mom and dad came over too so I was excited about that! Zach and Mason played outside and with his remote control car and my dad and ed played ping pong and we all just spent time talking and catching up, it was nice! Just don't let me make a cake again!
My sad cake!

Grandma feeding Mason cake! He liked it!